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AACONS Interviews Ronald Kessler and Ilya Somin

AACONS Interviews Ronald Kessler and Ilya Somin

Journalist Ronald Kessler discusses First Famlilies,and George Mason law prof. talks Framers’ intent.

[WAJ NOTE: I have been interviewed on African American Conservatives Blog Talk Radio multiple times. AACONS has a weekly podcast with some very interesting guests. AACONS will begin posting their weekly podcasts at Legal Insurrection.]

Award winning journalist Ronald Kessler discusses a new tell all about what the First families are really like; and George Mason law professor talks about the Framers intent.

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PersonFromPorlock | August 29, 2014 at 7:58 am

Much as I admire Professor Somin’s writing (and I do), he might want to work on that rather unfortunate smile.