Welcome to the Border Crisis, Mr. Congressman

Via Fox News:

The Department of Health and Human Services is allowing members of Congress to visit a Texas immigration detention center amid growing concerns about access to such facilities housing the recent surge of children who have illegally crossed the U.S.-Mexico border.The tour is scheduled to take place Tuesday morning. The site will be a temporary shelter at the Joint Base San Antonio Lackland, according to The Blaze news website.

Although HHS is allowing the visit, the delegation will have to abide by a series of strict rules and regulations:

As with the previous tours, the HHS has issues rules for the Lackland, Texas, tour that includes no recording devices, no interacting with staffers and the children and no questions until after the tour.

Sure, your representative isn’t allowed to actually speak to the majority of the people dealing with this on a daily basis, but if they’re really concerned about thousands of children being put into the hands of the cartels and sex traffickers, they should just support sweeping immigration reform:

[White House spokesman Josh] Earnest also said that people concerned about the border problems should support the Senate’s comprehensive immigration bill, which provides more funding for border enforcement measures. Republicans in the House oppose that bill, in large part because they fear it would create a pathway to legal status in the United States and give Obama the option of adopting tougher border measures.

More funding won’t fix the problem, though. President Obama has made it clear through the policies he has supported (deferred action programs, for example) that his Administration has no plan to enforce even our existing immigration laws. This attitude has caused would-be immigrants from countries like Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras to put over 50,000 children into the hands of the cartels and human traffickers–and some have not survived the journey.

President Obama is set to request $2 billion in additional funding for the border–yet has no plans to visit the Rio Grande Valley on his upcoming visit to Texas. His handlers cite scheduling issues as a reason to skip the visit–he’ll be at fundraisers in Dallas for the majority of his trip.

While the $2 billion will help law enforcement agencies in Texas and elsewhere to gain control of the situation, we won’t see an end to the border crisis until President Obama, and his Democrat coalition in Congress, reverses course and enforces the law.

Tags: Immigration