Reports from the “Immigration Surge” Protests

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Reports are beginning to surface from the 300-plus citizen-organized protests on July 18-19 focused on deep concerns about the immigration surge of supposed “refugees” swamping our border control resources, under the banner of the “National Days of Protest against Immigration Reform Amnesty & the Illegal Immigration Surge”.

With a coalition of more than 50 groups and organizations of various sizes, protests against illegal immigration and the Obama inspired surge of illegals at America’s borders took place in more than 300 locations. The protests were highly visible and some were small with a handful of people on overpasses with others being larger with hundreds of people.

The following report by J.D. Gallop in Florida Today is representative of many of the small-scale, but enthusiastically received, events.

Nearly a week after a social service agency announced it needs foster homes for Central American migrant children seeking asylum in the United States, protesters gathered alongside roadways near the government center to draw attention to the immigration crisis.”We got to stop the invasion of illegals and send them home now,” said Connie Smith, one of the organizers of a rally that drew about 30 people to the four-way stop near the Brevard County Government Complex in Viera…The protesters – including one woman standing next to an upside down American flag she purchased at a yard sale – braved the noon day sun, holding up homemade signs reading “Path to Destruction” and “Send Them Home” as motorists honked horns and waved in support.

A video from the Hesperia California event also offers a glimpse as to the style of these protests:

The speaker in that video is hard to hear through all the honks of support being given, and perhaps that is one of the key elements of the nationwide events. Though small, the high-visibility location ensured that the participating citizens got their message across to a wide spectrum of people. As Californian Michael Bennett noted during the Carlsbad overpass demonstration, “We may have a small number here, but the honks and thumbs-up that we are seeing demonstrate that Americans are taking this issue seriously and are very unhappy with how this immigration-surge disaster is being handled.”

Of course, what is a protest without a counter-protest? Free Republic member “Humblegunner” offers these details on the protest in Houston, TX:

Today at the Mexican Consulate just south of downtown Houston a protest against the illegal alien border surge was staged by concerned patriots.Apparently the word got out to the opposition forces. There were 25 to 30 illegals and associated supporters there as well. Our side numbered from 40 to 50 while I was on site. We were staged on opposite sides of the street.

A sample of the free exchange of ideas, clearly demonstrating the power of the First Amendment, is shown in this video:

Via the National Days Of Protest Against Immigration Reform Amnesty & The Illegal Immigration Surge Facebook site comes these items describing other protests:

“It is clear that the surge of illegal immigrants on our borders coming for the immigration reform amnesty promised by Obama and some Republicans has brought a great change in public views on this issue,” said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC (Americans for Legal Immigration PAC).

(Featured Image: National Days Of Protest Against Immigration Reform Amnesty & The Illegal Immigration Surge Facebook site)

Tags: Immigration