An Interview with Legal Insurrection’s A.F. Branco

Legal Insurrection is truly fortunate to be able to feature the amazing work of talented political cartoonist, A.F. Branco! I have always been a big fan of political cartoons.  In fact, two years ago, I taught my son’s class about the history of political cartoons, and had them each create one of their own.  While this was a fun exercise, it proved how challenging it is to covey complex points about the state of the world and the nature of mankind — all in one small panel. Yet, A.F. Branco’s routinely hits the most relevant points impacting current events in fun, poignant, and powerful ways. Being a huge fan of his work, I am thrilled to be able to share an interview of Branco by Alana Marie Burke in  Liberty Voice: Editorial Cartoonist Takes on National Issues With Humor.

Alana Marie Burke (AMB): I admire your lack of cowardice in the current hyper politically correct media environment. In your work, you clearly illustrate your opinions with to the point, well-articulated cartoons that hit hard on national issues affecting Americans.Antonio F. Branco (AFB): I appreciate that, thank you for your perspective. They say every year that we are at a tipping point but I think we are almost beyond the tipping point and it is as though the people in power just don’t seem to have a grip on how serious things are. I think that may come from being insulated in Washington D.C. …AMB: You are a creative person – a painter and a musician in addition to being a cartoonist. What inspired you to go into the field of cartoons – especially those in an editorial and very political style? AFB: Basically, I just was tired of sitting on the sidelines watching things happen. A lot of people like me were very frustrated around 2010 and that is what instigated the Tea Party and I just could not sit on the sidelines anymore. I had to do something, even if it was just in a small way. I really didn’t consider drawing cartoons as a way to really impact the world or anything – I just thought at least I am doing something and if a few people see it, share it and get the message out there, all the better. I started out with just a few people on my Facebook page, then it turned into a couple of hundred then a few thousand and it has grown. I now have three pages, my personal Facebook page, Freedom’s Battle where I post not only cartoons but other things in the political arena that interest me, or that other people might want to have a discussion on and that is where I get a lot my ideas for cartooning.AMB: I was just going to ask you where you get the motivation and inspiration for your cartoons. Your cartoons come out every day, sometimes two a day! So is it the pulse of the people on, for example, Facebook that are a main inspiration? AFB: Not exactly. My ideas often come from the news, talk radio, CNN, FOX (I do not watch MSNBC) – the headlines of the news. When I see an issue crop up, for instance the children at the border, it elicits certain things, certain pictures in my mind. Of course, these pictures correlate with my conservative values. I will look on Facebook and pick up certain things that correlate with that. This can trigger a flash or a spark and then it will grow from there….

There are even more great tidbits in the rest of the full interview. Finally, check out even more at Branco’s “Comically Incorrect” site! (Featured Image from Comically Incorrect).

Tags: A.F. Branco