The completely hyperventilated headline at the progressive “Crooks and Liars” website is Scott Walker Fan Indicted For Massive Voter Fraud.
What apparently happened is that someone who allegedly is a Walker supporter voted multiple times in multiple elections and encouraged others to do so. The total fraudulent vote count is in the single digits, maybe as high as 10-12 votes spread among different jurisdictions.
The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel has more details:
A Shorewood man has been charged with more than a dozen counts of illegal voting, accused of casting multiple ballots in four elections in 2011 and 2012, including five in the 2012 gubernatorial recall.Robert D. Monroe, 50, used addresses in Shorewood, Milwaukee and Indiana, according to the complaint, and cast some votes in the names of his son and his girlfriend’s son.
Does this matter? Yes, of course.
We have seen razor-tight elections. A few votes here or there could make a difference.
Voter fraud is not just about what we know — we never know how many fraudulent votes were cast because it is so rare that we catch someone.
The integrity of the entire system is at issue when we do not take substantive steps to prevent voter fraud. It’s not just about raw numbers.
That’s why simple steps such as showing identification are important.
Yet those simple steps are met by responses that it’s all a racist ruse. And frequently courts agree because there’s no proof of actual fraudulent votes being cast, even if there is provable ballot petition fraud.
So now we have proof. Voter fraud exists. Crooks and Liars terms it “massive.”
Will they now support reasonable steps to prevent such fraud in the future?
Don’t count on it.
Update: It goes without saying …