Joe Biden in 2010 – Iraq Will Be ‘One Of The Greatest Achievements’ of This Administration

This inconvenient flashback is brought to you by the Washington Free Beacon:

Vice President Joe Biden predicted in 2010 that Iraq would be “one of the greatest achievements” of the Obama administration.Appearing on CNN’s Larry King Live, Biden told King “It [Iraq] could be one of the greatest achievements of this administration.” He continued, “You’re going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You’re going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government.”

Here’s the video:

Paul Waldman of the Washington Post has a rather unique take on what’s happening in Iraq:

On Iraq, let’s ignore those who got it all wrongWe have now reached the rather ironic situation in Iraq where we find ourselves allied with Iran in an effort to save the corrupt and thuggish government of Nouri al-Maliki, while the army we spent eight years training falls apart. I’m not going to pretend to have unique insight into Iraqi politics (I’d suggest reading Marc Lynch, for starters, as a way of getting up to speed on what has led to this point).But there are few people who understand Iraq less than the Republican politicians and pundits who are being sought out for their comments on the current situation.As you watch the debate on this issue, you should remind yourself that the most prominent voices being heard are the very ones who brought us the Iraq War in the first place, who promised that everything was simple and the only question was whether we’d be “strong” and “decisive” enough — the same thing they’re saying today.


I thought the only person who looked worse than Joe Biden on Iraq right now was Obama.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Iraq, Joe Biden, Obama Foreign Policy