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Republicans Demand Special Prosecutor for Tea Party Targeting Investigation

Republicans Demand Special Prosecutor for Tea Party Targeting Investigation

New revelations in the Benghazi scandal dominated the news this week and even caused John Boehner to announce the formation of a select committee for further investigation.

With so much focus on Benghazi, it’s easy to forget that there are other scandals to be investigated such as the targeting of the Tea Party.

It’s good to know that House Republicans haven’t forgotten.

Bernie Becker of The Hill reports…

House Republicans call for special prosecutor on Tea Party targeting

House Republicans plan to vote next week on a resolution that would urge Attorney General Eric Holder to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the IRS’s improper scrutiny of Tea Party groups.

In a statement announcing the vote, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said Republicans have no faith in the investigation that is already being carried out at the Justice Department.

“It is time for Attorney General Holder to appoint a special counsel to investigate the IRS targeting scandal and bring the appropriate charges against those responsible,” Cantor said in a statement.

“This is far too serious a matter to leave to the discretion of partisan political appointees no matter who is in the White House.”

Almost a year after the IRS controversy broke, House Republicans say that President Obama, Holder and other important members of the administration repeatedly have undercut the investigation into the agency’s treatment of conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status.

Republicans have been angry for months that one of the key Justice Department lawyers on the IRS case has given thousands of dollars to Democratic causes, including Obama.

The fact that an Obama donor is involved in the investigation at all would be funny if it wasn’t so insulting. If history is any guide, Eric Holder is likely to ignore this recommendation from House Republicans but it’s good to know they’re holding his feet to the fire.

This investigation needs a special prosecutor. The American people deserve the truth.


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Ragspierre | May 3, 2014 at 1:48 pm

There have been times in American history when it made sense to call on the Attorney General to investigate their own Executive.

This is not one. Eric Holder is a blatant outlaw in a nest of remarkable outlaws foisted on us by Pres. ScamWOW.

Both EPA administrators are other infamous examples. But they are simply stand-outs in the crowd.

Bruno Lesky | May 3, 2014 at 2:20 pm

This seems like a sure way to kill any search for truth or assignment of blame. I understand why Eric Cantor is pushing for it … But why is Trey Gowdy co-sponsoring?

    Ragspierre in reply to Bruno Lesky. | May 3, 2014 at 2:53 pm

    Maybe because there are lawsuits around this that will serve the same investigative purposes, and you can only do so much at one time.

    There’s time yet…

      Bruno Lesky in reply to Ragspierre. | May 3, 2014 at 9:10 pm

      Thanks. I googled the suit activity. Fingers crossed.

      I also thought there may be horse trading in the House… in that Rep. Gowdy supports efforts that might go nowhere but he agrees with the intent. So he gets appointed to chair the Benghazi investigation. Exchanges I can’t know or fathom, except there was often stuff like this in biz when I was an engaged capitalist.

caused John Boehner to announce the formation of a select committee

And this is exciting because … why?

Should anyone ever bother to make one, I’m confident that the John Boehner Action Figure would have no moving parts.

From his recent history, it’s reasonable to think that anything like this is just smoke, and nothing which will even slow him down while he’s preparing his supply of white flags.

It seems to me that they are following ‘legal procedure’ by covering all their ‘authorized’ bases. Having said that, the admin knows how to play legal games and eschew the truth out the back door.

But those on the trail appear to have gotten closer to the truth then ever before. So, pressure from many angles seems to be working towards indicting the criminal cover-up of the Benghazi murders and holding those using the gov’t against the Tea Party accountable. I hope.

Boehner will be careful to select a committee that will make a lot of noise while accomplishing absolutely nothing worthwhile.

Another conservative witch hunt

Good photo – just sitting there, looking too dumb and clueless to have any idea what she’s inflicted on the country.

“The banality of evil” comes to mind.

Two years no impeachment no proof no action committees and blogging.