Pope Francis in Israel (Photos)
Two-day trip to the Holy Land

Pope Francis is in Israel this afternoon (Israel time) and tomorrow.
The itinerary today, after a trip to Bethlehem, included arrival at Ben Gurion Airport and a trip to the Church of the Holy Sepulcre in Jerusalem. Tomorrow will be visits to the Temple Mount and Western Wall, meetings with Israeli political and religious leaders, and a visit to Yad Vashem.
Here are some images I grabbed from the live video feed:

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And as usual, the pope is the only one with a yarmulke…
He wasn’t wholly alone.
In an unprecedented move, Francis asked two friends from Argentina to accompany him to the Holy Land, Rabbi Abraham Skorka and Islamic studies professor Omar Abboud.
“A delegation of Muslim, Christian, Jewish and Druse religious leaders in Israel met Thursday with Pope Benedict XVI in a high-profile display of their efforts to promote interfaith peace initiatives in the region.”
“The Council of Religious Leaders in Israel was created in 2007 in Jerusalem to bring together Christian, Muslim and Jewish leaders in Israel to raise awareness about the need for interfaith dialogue and cooperation in the Holy Land.”
Truth in advertising: the latter article also discloses that most of the Muslims in Israel are NOT represented by the Muslim leaders that are willing to engage in this dialog.
It’s only a start.
Start? Or continuation of the willful self-deception that dialogue is possible with Islam?
The bishop of Rome says to the Muslims, “what do you want?”
The Muslims say, “convert, pay jizya, or die.”
The bishop of Rome says, “no.”
The Muslims say, “then die; we want you to die.”
That’s the inter-faith dialogue the Koran permits.
Personally, I would have respected the Bishop of Rome more if, instead of going to Israel from Jordan, he had not gone into the Arab-occupied part of Israel thus aiding Arab “Christians” to continue lying on behalf of their Arab Muslim brethren about the “State of Palestine”. There is no such entity, and the same Arab “Christians” who are ululating the lie will be made second class citizens in an Islamic “State of Palestine”, and they know it.
Sometimes, i wonder what they tell themselves about Jesus being a nice Jewish boy.