Muslim Brotherhood in North America
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Muslim Brotherhood in North America

Muslim Brotherhood in North America

The Terrorism and Security Experts of Canada Network (TSEC) has just issued a report documenting Muslim Brotherhood activity in North America.

Via Blazing Cat Fur, here are the summary of findings:

  • Canada has a significant presence of Muslim Brotherhood adherent individuals and organizations. Their values and actions are frequently the antithesis of the Canadian Constitution, values and law. Despite statements to the contrary, the Muslim Brotherhood considers itself above local laws and national constitutions.
  • The Muslim Brotherhood’s use of settlement and the “process of civilization jihad” has proven effective. The long term aim is to globally impose a virulent form of political Islam to the exclusion of other faiths or systems.
  • Internationally, the Muslim Brotherhood is realigning under pressure as old alliances crumble and opportunities arise. An aggressive posture is re-emerging which has used extensive political violence in the past.
  • The policy and process of denial is deeply rooted in the Muslim Brotherhood.
  • Muslim Brotherhood adherent groups should not be given governmental accreditation, access to public grants nor should they have charity status.
  • Canada’s stance against Muslim Brotherhood adherent organizations in recent years has been more aggressive than the USA, especially in financial areas.

The CBC has picked up on the report, Muslim Brotherhood activities need to be probed in Canada, report says:

The Canadian government should consider investigating the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood, which has entrenched itself in North America and represents a greater systemic threat than al-Qaeda, according to a newly released report on the group.

“The aim of the group in North America is to weaken and destroy the free and open societies within Canada and the U.S.A. from within and replace them with the heavily politicized views of [founder] Hassan Banna, Sayyid Qutb and the Muslim Brotherhood,” according to the report, entitled The Muslim Brotherhood in North America (Canada/U.S.).

The National Post in Canada also is covering the report:

Last month, British Prime Minister David Cameron ordered an investigation into the Brotherhood’s activities in the U.K. and alleged links to violence and extremism. In Canada, the government has not taken action directly against the Brotherhood….

The report comes a month after Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney announced the International Relief Fund for the Afflicted and Needy — Canada (IRFAN) had been placed on Ottawa’s list of banned terrorist groups. According to the Canada Revenue Agency, IRFAN had merged with the Jerusalem Fund for Human Services, which was allegedly set up by a Muslim Brotherhood committee.

IRFAN had funnelled $15-million to groups linked to Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestinian branch, auditors claimed. IRFAN was a registered charity at the time but has since had its status revoked. The RCMP is investigating. IRFAN denies knowingly funding Hamas.

Expect CAIR and its Canadian equivalent to start screaming in 3, 2, 1, …

Here’s the author, Tom Quiggin, giving a 2011 speech on Terrorism:

Terrorism Basics: Fear and Knowledge: Tom Quiggin from Euphrates Institute on Vimeo.

(Featured Image: National Geographic 2011 documentary, Inside the Muslim Brotherhood)


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I wonder if we will ever know the full extent of the influence Huma Weiner had on the magic thinking at State?

I would really like someone to illuminate that.

    patriot077 in reply to Ragspierre. | May 27, 2014 at 11:01 am

    I think her influence probably goes back to the Clinton Administration. Undoubtedly a huge impact on Hil’s escapades as Sec’y, but I doubt it can ever be truly sorted out.
    Wouldn’t it be nice to think some on our side might take cues from Canada on this issue?

    joethefatman in reply to Ragspierre. | May 27, 2014 at 12:01 pm

    When you have a current president that openly supports the MB over the people, in any country they are involved in, I doubt that Huma’s meddling is even necessary. But I’m reasonably certain she meddled anyway.

    MarkS in reply to Ragspierre. | May 27, 2014 at 1:13 pm

    Remember what happened to Michele Bachman when she mentioned the documented ties Huma and her family have/had to the Muslim Brotherhood? The same from the media and both sides of the aisle awaits anyone who dare mention Hillary and Muslim Brotherhood in the same breath.

    mzk in reply to Ragspierre. | May 27, 2014 at 1:42 pm

    Magical thinking is endemic to State, particularly regarding the Middle East. They want to be the British Foreign Office, and the latter wants the Mandate back.

    Henry Hawkins in reply to Ragspierre. | May 27, 2014 at 4:20 pm

    Huma may have been little more than a Clinton useful idiot, a personal ambassador for Bill and Hillary to big money in the Middle East. (“Yeah, I’ll employ your idiot daughter, just keep the $$$ coming, see?”)

    My contention she may be a useful idiot is that the idiot part is well-evidenced by her choice in husbands.

tarheelkate | May 27, 2014 at 12:38 pm

Good for these Canadians. The U.S. government and press need to pay attention to distinguishing between Brotherhood-connected organizations (and others which advocate sharia in this country) and other Muslim groups which are attempting to build a compromise between their Muslim identity and American law. The latter groups, much smaller than the radicals, are the ones we should recognize and work with.

    tom swift in reply to tarheelkate. | May 27, 2014 at 2:55 pm

    Why should we compromise American law for the sake of anyone’s “identity”?

      tarheelkate in reply to tom swift. | May 27, 2014 at 3:09 pm

      We shouldn’t. What the more modern Muslim groups (admittedly small) are trying to do is to find a way to identify as Muslims AND accept American law and American political processes. We can certainly tolerate special dietary requirements and ritual practices. We’ve been able to accommodate these differences for wide varieties of groups for centuries. (Note I said “tolerate,” not require others to comply.)

      What we can’t accept, in the case of Islam, is wife-beating, FGM, forced marriages, unfair treatment of divorced women, honor killings, killings for apostasy, or punishments for criminal offenses outside our justice system.

      Henry Hawkins in reply to tom swift. | May 27, 2014 at 4:21 pm

      Diversity, Inclusion, White (majority) Privilege, etc. Take your pick.

Islam is a gang using religion as a cover. It could not pass the test that the IRS uses to determine ‘real’ Christian religions from convenient ones. Of course that will never be required of the ilk.

I have some issues with the beginning of the speech, because if it was true, there would be no terrorists attacking Israel.

I agree with some of the rest. We get the same thing where people will quote a Rabbi in Israel out of context, or translate words in such a way as to kill the point.

The end I doubt is true.

    mzk in reply to mzk. | May 27, 2014 at 2:02 pm

    Actually now I see the point. The man is practically a “bleeding heart”, yet he still put out this report.

Juba Doobai! | May 27, 2014 at 2:26 pm

The MB was the daddy of Al Qaeda, why do we allow them and their affiliates in this country? Ban them, seize their assets.

Henry Hawkins | May 27, 2014 at 2:39 pm

Muslim Brotherhood? I’m pretty sure Hillary Clinton identified them as secularists and reformers – safe for American consumption, in other words. She was Secretary of State and flew around a LOT, after all.

When researching the enemies of the US Discover the Networks is a good information source.

David Gerstman | May 27, 2014 at 5:45 pm

“Expect CAIR and its Canadian equivalent to start screaming in 3, 2, 1,” or other equivalents, like the NYTimes.

David R. Graham | May 28, 2014 at 12:57 am

MB is not Moslem, it is Caliphist. Islam has virtually no representatives today. What’s there is Caliphists. Hegemons. No religion at all.