Some links for your Friday evening reading.
- “Naked guy at White House”… from Mashable, Man Strips Naked at White House Gate, Gets Tackled By Secret Service
- #MemeFail… from Twitchy, ‘Ugh come on guys’! Dems’ proposed Obama bumper sticker sparks facepalms, Photoshops [pics]; Updated: Dems double down
- A retreat, for now… from HotAir, IRS backtracks on 501(c)4 rule after flood of negative comments
- State Dept: “He will appear once on Benghazi”… from Politico, John Kerry agrees to testify on Benghazi attack
- Long but interesting read about an ongoing debate… from the Financial Times, The threat facing online comments
- Another military dog adoption story… from The News Tribune, Tacoma Marine reunites with dog Thor
[Featured image: Tacoma News Tribune video]
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