VIDEO: Andrew Branca, Law of Self Defense, Interview on N24 German TV News

Back on February 28 I was invited down to the Washington DC bureau of N24, a prominent German television news station.  The purpose of the invitation was to interview me about the (then) just completed Michael Dunn trial, the earlier George Zimmerman trial, and the ongoing Marissa Alexander extravaganza, as well as American self-defense law in general and stand-your-ground in particular.

It was a very interesting experience. I was interviewed by Stephan Strothe, the head of the Washington bureau, and he was thoroughly professional and kind throughout my visit. Stephan is, of course, German, although he has been in the United States for many years. His experiences around American firearm and self-defense law, however, are essentially limited to his time spent in Washington DC and Maryland, two of the most brutally suppressive regions of the country for Second Amendment rights.

The combination of all this seems to lead to Stephan presenting his questions from a perspective that struck me as representative of where America stood way back in the 1980s–before the nation-wide adoption of concealed carry laws, before the passage of the 1994 gun control legislation that Bill Clinton attributes with gutting the Democrat party for years to come, before the widespread adoption of stand-your-ground and other liberalizing self-defense law doctrines.

I found it all very interesting, really.

In any case, it took a little while for me to obtain my promised copy of the interview video (the initial copy sent me had some defects), but I received it just recently and have posted it in five segments on my own blog,

Professor Jacobson has kindly invited me to post the interview video in its entirety here on Legal Insurrection. Thus, you can find it below.  Enjoy!

–-Andrew, @LawSelfDefense

Andrew F. Branca is an MA lawyer and the author of the seminal book “The Law of Self Defense, 2nd Edition,” available at the Law of Self Defense blog, (paperback and Kindle), Barnes & Noble (paperback and Nook), and elsewhere.