Your News Media
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Your News Media

Your News Media

Hi Professor,

My husband and I spotted this pickup truck in Kingsland, Camden County, Georgia today.

Thought you’d enjoy the bumper stickers. I don’t know who he is, but he’s a man after my own heart!

We both enjoy your blog tremendously. Thank you for all you do.

God bless,


Bumper Sticker - Kingsland GA - News Media close up


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Hey this is a little barry style ‘Shout out’ to a real American . Great Bumper stickers = Guts

9thDistrictNeighbor | March 3, 2014 at 8:26 am

I want that truck.

Also love the sticker “Beware of Liberals Posing as Americans.”

Boy, if it WERE “my media”, I’d give it such a whipping…!!!

One thing is for certain, O’Blamer and his evil minions are NOT popular here in the Southeast.
Thanks for posting this Prof. I feel famous! 🙂