Critical thinking is Kryptonite to everything the Left believes, teaches and preaches. It is anathema to the whole feelings-based system that props up so-called Progressiveness.
The slogan is absolutely true. I always take note of the other bumper stickers on cars that sport this one. It seems that it’s usually lefty tripe smeared across the rest of their vehicle. That doesn’t make me think that the deficit will go away anytime soon.
I think to Lefties that “critical thinking” proceeds like this:
“Meeeeh! Bush sucks!” “Meeeeh! Rush Limbaugh is a fat, dumb racist!” “Meeeeh! Faux New! Faux News! Faux News!” “Meeeeh! We need more schools and less stupid bombers and jails and NASCAR races!”
Yes, Friends… The Left puts the “critical” back in thinking. That’s all they have.
Critical thinking is Kryptonite to everything the Left believes, teaches and preaches. It is anathema to the whole feelings-based system that props up so-called Progressiveness.
The slogan is absolutely true. I always take note of the other bumper stickers on cars that sport this one. It seems that it’s usually lefty tripe smeared across the rest of their vehicle. That doesn’t make me think that the deficit will go away anytime soon.
I know liberals who have this sticker. To them, it is basically an “I’m smarter than you” sticker. They don’t believe that conservatives think at all.
I think to Lefties that “critical thinking” proceeds like this:
“Meeeeh! Bush sucks!”
“Meeeeh! Rush Limbaugh is a fat, dumb racist!”
“Meeeeh! Faux New! Faux News! Faux News!”
“Meeeeh! We need more schools and less stupid bombers and jails and NASCAR races!”
Yes, Friends… The Left puts the “critical” back in thinking. That’s all they have.