UPDATE 3-26-2014: After several hours of statements and debate lasting well past midnight, the student assembly agreed to consider the divestment resolution — but then rejected it on the merits by an overwhelming 25-9 margin.
A vote several days ago by the U. Michigan Central Student Government Assembly (CSGA) tabled indefinitely an anti-Israel divestment resolution brought by the usual coalition of Israel haters, using the misleading name Students Allied for Freedom and Equality (SAFE). The basis for tabling the resolution was that it was not properly within the purview of the CSGU.
Then the proponents of the resolution took over the offices of the student government, and refused to leave until the divestment resolution was brought up for a vote.
And the Michigan administration played right along, while pretending to be neutral, and deflecting acts of physical and verbal intimidation directed at pro-Israel and Jewish students on campus.
And the student government caved in too, its president issuing a lengthy statement, including numerous apologies, including this one:
I apologize to any student who has been personally affected by this issue. The issues raised in the resolution extend thousands of miles beyond Ann Arbor, MI, and no student government resolution can bring about any sort of solution. But for thousands of students on this campus, the issues raised are intensely personal and hit close to home. We can, and should, do more so that students can voice their concerns and be listened to, even and especially by those who disagree with them. We should do more so that students feel safe describing their views and sharing their experiences.
Translation: The divestment motion will be brought up again tonight, starting at 7:30 p.m.
The viciously anti-Israel Max Blumenthal and Ali Abunimah apparently are making special appearances to argue in favor of divestment.
We’ll track what happens and let you know.
Here is a live stream embed for the event starting at 7:30 p.m. (not sure if that’s CT or ET)
Updates: Max Blumenthal did not disappoint, if what you wanted was anti-Israel propaganda:
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.@MaxBlumenthal speaking against #Israel at @umich http://t.co/e8FTWXM7Az pic.twitter.com/01tMtHNO8K
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) March 26, 2014
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.@MaxBlumenthal describes himself as a professor. LOL. Professor of Hate. #UMDivest
— CiFWatch (@CiFWatch) March 26, 2014
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If you want to learn the truth about Israel’s #Bedouin issue, and not @MaxBlumenthal lies, here: http://t.co/W906A2rbSR #UMDivest
— ElderOfZiyon(@elderofziyon) March 26, 2014
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.@MaxBlumenthal intentionally emphasizing the word “concentrate” to engage in more Holocaust inversion. #UMDivest #RacistDiscourse
— CiFWatch (@CiFWatch) March 26, 2014
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#UMDivest The first people who were expelled from their homes in Arab Israeli war were Jews @MaxBlumenthal
— ElderOfZiyon(@elderofziyon) March 26, 2014
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#UMDivest The first people who were expelled from their homes in Arab Israeli war were Jews @MaxBlumenthal
— ElderOfZiyon(@elderofziyon) March 26, 2014
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You know who uses Caterpillar bulldozers? Hamas! http://t.co/0LIFfadBlM @MaxBlumenthal #UMDivest
— ElderOfZiyon(@elderofziyon) March 26, 2014
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@CiFWatch Yes-he cited disputed quotes by Ben-Gurion & DovWeissglass, misrepresented a bunch of stuff, etc. Someone shlddocument Max lies
— NuritBaytch(@NuritBaytch) March 26, 2014
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#Hillel speaker #UMDivest >> @MaxBlumenthal not against occupation, against #Israel >> exactly pic.twitter.com/3hULCG2IZ3
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) March 26, 2014
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.@UMichLaw student against #UMDivest — resolution inaccurate, misstates law pic.twitter.com/i4L5BxxOtV
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) March 26, 2014
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.@umich Prof @UMDivest: 1948 “wargenerated two large refugee flows” >> exchange of populations pic.twitter.com/4qfxnaCA3Y
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) March 26, 2014
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.@umich Prof @UMDivest: 1967 Jordan attacked #Israel despite Israel begging it not to — that’s why Israel captured W Bank
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) March 26, 2014
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Because Victor Lieberman is giving a balanced speech on the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict, the #BDSers are flipping out. #UMDivest
— CiFWatch (@CiFWatch) March 26, 2014