Ted Nugent: Sorry about the “subhuman mongrel” verbiage

Ted Nugent apologized – sort of – and acknowledged on Friday that he did cross the line when he used the phrase “subhuman mongrel” last month to describe President Obama.

In an interview with conservative radio talk show host and CNN commentator Ben Ferguson, Nugent first apologized “not necessarily to the President, but on behalf of much better men than myself,” referring to Texas politicians such as Governor Rick Perry and Attorney General Greg Abbott.

Nugent went on to say, “I apologize for using the street fighter terminology of ‘subhuman mongrel’ instead of just using more understandable language.” He then used phrases like ‘violator of his oath to the Constitution; the liar that he is’ and elaborated by criticizing Obama’s handling of certain issues, such as the president’s broken promise on Obamacare. “I will try to elevate my vernacular to the level of those great men that I’m learning from in the world of politics,” Nugent said.

When prompted by Ferguson to clarify, “Are you apologizing to the president of the United States of America Barack Obama for calling him a ‘subhuman mongrel’?” Nugent replied, “yes.”

Listen below.

(Featured image: CNN video)