Passive Microaggression
Claiming microaggression is a way to control others.

Like the .gif of Obama kicking open a door in a parody by the Jay Leno show, that forced a student leader at McGill University in Canada to apologize.
Here’s an explanation by a professor at Columbia University Teachers College of what microaggression is:
You can find dozens of such videos and postings by universities.
Microaggression theology is not just a one-off phenomenon, although it does seem to be most prevalent on campuses.
Isn’t the greatest microaggression of all the entire microaggression agenda?
I feel belittled, just because I am Veit.
Everytime someone thinks I’m being microaggressive, they are actually being microaggressive towards me.
This passsive microaggression must stop.
(For the record, I don’t mind when people wonder about wearing shorts in the snow.)

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OK. I’m beginning to get this now.
Last week, I thought microaggression was something Lilliputians did.
(Can I say that…???)
Do not play Short People .
Humour is micro aggression if you don’t like the joke.
Micro aggression is anything you say or do that the next person doesn’t like. In sum, you’re frozen in speechlessness, ininaction out of fear you’re going to offend.
One response to that: f**k that!
I’m of the same mind.
If you’re gonna agress, go BIG.
Well that was 4:24 minutes of my life I’ll never get back again.
He gets PAID for that tripe!
Had a prof there teaching a policy course in budget analysis. The guy railed against objective analysis and evaluation. Everything had to be subjective. That nonsense laid the ground for this crap.
It’s even worse than that. He is paid, indirectly, by us as taxpayers in the form of massive subsidies and direct payments to his institution.
Car dealers and furniture stores don’t keep salespeople for long if they can’t sell. They would eventually go out of business that way.
If universities had to face a free market, they would swiftly learn the futility of retaining people offering what no one needs or wants.
Was this site hacked?
The difference between microagression and macroagression is that the latter comes in calibers.
Up next: picoaggression.
Brilliantly stated. Heh.
“Everytime someone thinks I’m being microaggressive, they are actually being microaggressive towards me.
This passsive microaggression must stop.
(For the record, I don’t mind when people wonder about wearing shorts in the snow.)”
White girls were wearing sleeveless tight vests in the cross country skiing in competition in Sochi .
There was also a Nordic looking guy training in Lycra shorts – not bad looking either & a nice pair of legs .
Many people would be remembering those wonderful spring x country skiing days , sun shining , snow & skiing .when we all wish we had shorts .
You can wear shorts, but don’t forget the hat. Cold is a progressive stressor, which can be mitigated through reduced exposure or proper insulation.
“Cold is a progressive stressor”
Progressivism is a stressor.
Help! Help! I’ve been microaggressed!
I figure the people who use the term “Microagression” are simply trying to deflect attention from their own “Micro” body parts IYKWIM.
Can you imagine this generation of effete cream puffs storming Normandy and scaling Pointe du Hoc? Would they surrender rather than suffer the indignity of breaking a fingernail? Close call.
That Wing Sue, I don’t think he’s a credit to his race.
But seriously, another knucklehead from “the academy” ever so happy to tell others how to run their lives. Spare me.
Don’t think he’ll be retiring early on his book royalties.
From his wiki page, “[Wing Sue] has written over 150 publications on various topics such as multicultural counseling and psychotherapy, psychology of racism and antiracism, cultural diversity, cultural competence, and multicultural organizational development, but more specifically, multicultural competencies and racial microaggressions.”
He’s certainly increased the Piled High & Deep for his PhD.
Bet he is not touching ethnics , race & IQ.( or basic school tests) .
Wow, just wow. Did you see all of those credentials on his wall?
Credentialed but lacking in common sense.
“Credentialed” has always been a poor substitute for “qualified.”
Wing Sue is a dumb ass. Oh wait, was that a microagression?
Yes, it was. You have insulted dumb asses, everywhere. Buy the book, for goodness sake.
If I told Prof. Wing Sue he spoke English remarkably well…
but also noted his Cantonese/Mandarin (either or both) beat mine all to hell…
would I have committed a net micropassivity…???
And, note: he teaches at a “Teachers College”.
Doctor Wing Sue sure has thin skin. Probably got teased a lot as a kid for having the last name Sue.
I wonder if he was ever able to thank his father?
How ’bout this: Everyone just try to follow basic rules of courtesy.
You do realize that “basic rules of courtesy” are often microaggressive and show one’s own bias favoring what one culture considers a courtesy. Opening/holding a door open for women (even though I will do that as well for men), placing money directly in a clerks hand, or G-d have mercy if you wave with palm facing out in some cultures. Is a kiss on the cheek from a frenchie microaggressive—one can only hope something good will come of this.
Crap, I forgot eating with left hand, having a dog and not eating it but eating pork, or walking with a woman who is not my wife/relative. Do they have an app for this?
Admit and accept that, regardless of your race, you are a product of Western civilization. Admit and accept that Western civilization with its Graeco-Roman Judaeo-Christian foundation is demonstrably superior to all others, based on its impact on the human condition. Admit and accept that multiculturalism is arrant nonsense.
So, just observe the courtesies that arose out of the foundation of Western civilization, and politely tell the others if they think they are being microsaggressed by your courtesies, planes are still flying; they can avail themselves of them.
That’s my position, anyway.
Yeah. Who do those Jews think they are, running around calling people names, shooting, and blowing things up?
So, like when I reach out my had to shake and a African-American guy wants to fist-bump instead, I’m being aggressive by assuming social norms? And, instead, if I initiated a fist-bump and the African-American guy wanted to shake hands, I’m again being aggressive by condescension?
Or does it start by assuming that a guy is a guy? I’m lost here, but it does appear the game is rigged.
Of course it’s rigged. That’s the entire point which is why I refuse to play along.
Time is coming when a lot of American blacks are going to have to decide where they belong. This carving out different norms just to segregate from the culture around and assert difference, that and a bag of chips gets them nowhere.
So, the time for fish or cut bait is approaching, when they’ll have to cut the BS and do what other peoples have done, pick yourself up, dust your damn self down, and plough ahead.
Dying industries desperately seek new markets and microaggression is racism’s newest. Microaggression also allows the wider spread of the network of PC regulations used to trap/trip up socio-political enemies.
Wow, they painted the hallway in Thorndyke. Forgot the radiator, though; typical. The only micro aggression I ever saw at TC was when my advisor accused me of being a cannibal.
The Mi-cro Le-gal Ag-gres-sion of Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion
By the Reasonable Person of Reasonable Microaggression Awareness Standard, I find you all guilty of disgusting me.
Go ahead, laugh your aggressively white, racist, conservative selves silly at this scholar’s expense.
This is an extremely important and complicated issue. I’ve taught and written widely on the subject so you should all just shut up and listen to me.
We live in a time when many parents are no doubt wondering:
“Is the boatload of money—enough to sink a battleship— that we’re spending on our children’s university education worth it?”
And that’s in between and interspersed with anxious parents’ thoughts of:
“Will this cargo ship of debt we’re incurring—enough to torpedo our children and us financially for decades— ensure that they will be successfully unaggressive and able to compete in the dog-eat-dog world of the global marketplace?”
“Will they be able to navigate the treacherous office-politics shoals of bi-, tri-, multi-, and trans-diverse rainbow workplace communities without employing microaggressive hate signals, whether by language, appearance, demeanor, dog whistle, force, fatigue, gesture, or feigned none-of-the-aforementioned-or-above innocence—without sinking their careers?”
“Will they help to raise awareness and spread the message—that microaggression kills—employing both traditional non-threatening modes of learning equally and alongside with modern microsensitive multi-modal learner-centered scenario-specific roleplaying as they raft from a desert isle of indebtedness to a distant shore of financial solvency far beyond the horizon—all the while surviving the daily storms of deadlines, top lines, bottom lines, and also non-linear, non-monetary threats to their careers, without bailing out on their watery microaggression-studies foundations?”
The answer to parents is yes, yes, yes, and yes. Microaggression studies stimulates the economy, enriches and stimulates the world, and pays for itself many, many times over. This self-stimulation opens students’ eyes to the blinding consequences of non-self-stimulation.
I’ve helped to nurture the growth and diversification of this underserved, overlooked, and victimized field of study into an increasingly rigorous discipline that will help America compete in the global marketplace.
My own areas of expertise are MicroAggressive Chemistry and MicroAgressive Economics, both of which I’ve taught at the graduate level.
Microaggression in the Physical Sciences:
“Microaggressive atoms matter (Adams, M., HandCool, L., pp 852-887) and the fact is, over time, microaggressions accumulate and bond together to form ever more complex molecules of miniaggressions. In white compounds (e.g. universities) solvent and solute (both white) are mixed to produce highly volatile and aggressive, odorless, colorless, white solutions (e.g. teaching Western Civ).”
Microaggression in the Social Sciences:
“Themes of broken-window ‘fallacy’ (HandCool, L., et al, pp. 8-12) have historically served to divert scarce resources away from the underserved microaggression studies community as windows continue to be broken aggressively, fallacious claims of fallacy notwithstanding, and Microaggression Studies economists are routinely and aggressively threatened with taunts of, ‘Publish or Perish!'”
In this world good breast implants will pay you back many more times than a masters degree in women’s studies.
Not to mention they are much more fun to play with.
And I do recall Adam Carolla’s old wisdom: “If I can touch them, they are real!”
It struck me the other day that the most prominent examples of “microaggression” were actually expressions of acceptance, respect, and identification.
The animation of the actor playing Obama kicking a door down to get out of a press conference? The person who circulated it was expressing his frustration and exhaustion with final exams — he was putting himself in the place of the guy in the animation.
And marks on papers aren’t a way to build your status over the students — it’s a way to help you LEARN. A person grading your paper is saying they believe you can do better — and the person who just waves it through, giving you a “gentleman’s B (or A)” is saying they don’t think you can do any better. Which shows more respect?
Oh boy!
How do I start?
This is such a load of bull!!
– The first example, where the “counselor” tells the student about his English speaking skills:
If the student takes offense, (or should I say micro-offense) is because he’s a pussy with very low self esteem. PERIOD.
That people like this professor assume that we should/could take a compliment as an aggression or insult reveals that he, and those who think like him, have either serious self esteem issues, or a latent, repressed racist point of view.
-The woman in the elevator.
Many women would react the same way at the possibility of being alone with a male stranger. It doesn’t matter if the man is black, or yellow or fucsia. It’s a simple matter of common sense and self protection.
But even if the man was black, crime statistics are there. They are real. I wonder how would Mr. Ching Wong feel if his daughter was the one riding the elevator.
-The female manager
What if she made manager because the company had to meet a diversity quota?
How do we know that she is not incompetent and ignorant?
In fact, looking at her body language you could say she does not believe her own ideas are worthy.
There are plenty of intelligent, energetic and talented women out there that can steal the show and impress with their talent. No need for “special treatment” or protection from “micro-aggression.”
The concept of micro aggression constitutes in itself a mega aggression, or maybe it’s just another way to milk the grievance cow.
Microaggression? Let’s just call it what it is…politicized butthurt reporting.
I am sure that the student who was told that he spoke excellent English was deeply hurt and humiliated enough to spend a sleepless night with his tear stained pillow. Such a travesty as this, being committed by a “guidance councilor” no less, could only serve to compound the pain of the indignity this poor student suffered.
I would recommend that in all cases of micro-aggression that the victim would be entitled to a punitive damage award from the perpetrator and cash reparations from the institution that hired him. You may think that this would be overkill but for this kind of serious micro crime, which could conceivably destroy civilization as we know it, no punishment would be too severe.
I’m confused.
We’re supposed to be acutely conscious and celebratory of “diversity”, while at the same time behave as if everyone is the same?
Don’t tell anyone ever that he did a good job. Or any other compliment. That’s a microaggression proving that you had low expectations, else why comment…
Dear Dr. Derald Wing Sue,
I grew up with a very, very, aggressive and volatile father. Very scary!
As a boy it felt like all the egg shells from all the egg rolls made in all the Chinatowns in all the worlds were scattered all around inside our house and I had to tippy-toe around them for years so as not to set him off.
But guess what, Dr. Sue?!! I survived! And guess what, Dr. Sue? Just between you and me … I hated living with him … but that was my fate, so I had to make the best of it and adapt and develop coping mechanisms.
And after all those years of being on the receiving end of certainly debilitating aggression, Dr. Sue, I think there’s something wrong with me because I can laugh at almost anything and be happy and I feel like the most well-adjusted person on the planet (except for times of brain chemical imbalance when I’m depressed, usually in the winter, but that’s from my mother and she was the opposite of aggressive! Strange, huh?!)
Dr. Sue, my wife is Japanese so our son is half-Asian (no kidding, huh?!? Haha! Dr. Sue, you have a pretty good sense of humor! Oh, I didn’t mean anything by that. Sorry!)
Anyway, one day my wife was driving our son and his three Jewish friends to their lacrosse practice. My wife comes home and tells me, “Wow, those Jewish kids really know how to talk! Max couldn’t get a word in! No wonder they’re so successful. They have really good language skills.”
Dr. Sue, I told her, “Yeah, well, Max will have to learn how to get his two cents in. And some of their skills will rub off on him. He’ll learn from them.”
(Dr. Sue, I can’t talk to save my life so I can’t teach him how to talk! Thank God these boys can step in for me and fulfill this fatherly function, no? My dad never talked to me. He only yelled, so I don’t know how to do it!!!)
But Dr. Sue, after watching your video (very good acting! Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean anything by that) now I’m very concerned.
Maybe those boys were microaggressive?! Maybe my wife’s reaction was microaggressive? I don’t know! I’m so confused, Dr. Sue!
I’m only familiar with the really, really scary form of macroaggression I grew up with. I’m not familiar with these new subtle microaggressions. Are they really as bad as you say? I’m scared, Dr. Sue. Do you think all this microaggression that’s killing our son will mean he’ll grow up and have no sense of humor? Oh, God, Dr. Sue, please tell me that’s not the case!
Dr. Sue, you like the movie, “The Graduate”?
Dr. Sue, one day when I was about 10, I was standing on the end of our pool diving board, watching my dad swim laps of breaststroke below. Dr. Sue, I wanted to know if he was capable of just one tender Hugh Beaumont moment with me—no aggression.
Dr. Sue, I asked him how our German Shepherd, Heidi, had puppies with that boy German Shepherd they brought over one day. (I already knew the answer, Dr. Sue. I just wanted to see what he’d say.)
Dr. Sue, without missing a stroke as he swam, he barked out, “They f*cked.”
Dr. Sue, that was kind of aggressive for a Hugh Beaumont moment, wasn’t it? Not good English! I was disappointed, Dr. Sue. I realized then that it was hopeless. I realized he’d never talk to me like my friends’ fathers talked to my friends or the way those fathers on TV talked to their boys. Oh, Hugh Beaumont!
What? What did I do then, Dr. Sue? I don’t know. I don’t remember. I probably went over to my friend’s house across the street to play. Dr. Sue, was it wrong of me to just move on, live and learn, and just make the best of things?
Dr. Sue, now I’m all grown up and a father. I’m so different than my father. My kids aren’t afraid of me and they seem happy and well-adjusted and seem to love me. Dr. Sue, they each have a great sense of humor about life and its setbacks. (Sorry, I encouraged that. I admit it, Dr. Sue.) Yep, always joking. You should hear them laugh at their mother’s English!! Japlish!! She laughs about it, too! Oh, sorry, Dr. Sue. I forgot. You think life isn’t anything to laugh about. But … but … Dr. Sue. That’s how I survived. I learned to just laugh at things.
Dr. Sue … now that I know parenting is part art and part science, and my kids are all happy, I wonder … Do you think my father was some kind of parenting da Vinci? Dr. Sue, do you think he saw the future and was planning this outcome all that time… part art and part science?!
Haha! Dr. Sue, Just kidding!!! (Oh, man. You’re so serious, Dr. Sue. No fun in your life, or what?)
No, Dr. Sue. He didn’t plan it. He was too busy being aggressive.
I made it come out this way, Dr. Sue. It wasn’t easy.
I’d never ever want to go through all that again, Dr. Sue. It was hard. Really, really hard, Dr. Sue.
I just wish there had been an easier way to toughen myself up.
I wish he had just named me Sue.
Exquisite. Dave Barry is nervous about the competition.
Japlish made me LoL. My kid went over to China during his senior year at UW and came back with a real-life little China doll. Anyway, she could not speak a word of English so of course my prankster son taught her American idioms and slang first (or most). It was funny as heck to hear her talk – certain phrases came out in perfect English; others she needed to ask my son in Chinese how to say it so a sentence became a meandering walk in the park.
Professor Sue probably doesn’t live or work in an area where they play the knockout game, or gangs on motorcycles pull people out of cars and beat them. It must be wonderful there.
Wonder what he thinks of this Chinese stunt:
Just watched video. LOL. First thing I thought: Is this real? Or a droll Saturday Night Live skit? (from the days when SNL was actually funny?)
Professor Jacobson:
When I post a comment on this blog, I am forced to click a button labeled “submit”. Clearly this is a microaggression.
This will be corrected in version 2.0 where a “reject” button will be added and an optional “unknown” button for fence straddlers.