Amnesty push about to get ugly

As reported by Politico, Immigration groups turn to anger:

Immigration reform advocates are done playing nice with House Republicans.After holding their fire for years at the urging of the Obama administration, several immigration reform groups now plan to unleash their anger at the right.A new, more aggressive campaign kicks off Tuesday, when these groups say they will begin confronting Republican lawmakers at public appearances, congressional hearings and events back in home districts.The goal: Shame Republicans in swing districts into taking up the issue — or make them pay at the ballot box in November.It’s unclear if the strategy will truly damage Republicans with their constituents. Or worse, whether it might backfire and oust some of the movement’s best potential allies across the aisle….“Obviously, persuasion only got us so far,” Kica Matos, a spokeswoman for the Fair Immigration Reform Movement, said Monday. “What we are now doing is to switch tactics from persuasion to punishment.” Matos declined to say which members of Congress are at risk for the in-your-face treatment but warned that the campaign would be “relentless and constant.” America’s Voice and CASA in Action are also leading the effort. The plan for now is to engage in daily confrontations for at least the next two months, Matos said.

I think this backfires, because it highlights the disrespect for our laws and legislative process.

Getting in people’s faces — I wonder where they got that idea.

And don’t be surprised if someone gets hurt.

Update: Looks like disrupting congressional hearings and the like will be one of the new tactics (h/t Twitchy):

Tags: Immigration