Wendy Davis’ snobby campaign pities single moms and trailer park folks

I’m so old, I remember when feminists believed women didn’t need a man to be happy or to raise a family, and liberals argued that the American Dream was not restricted to tony subdivisions of McMansions.

And then we have the Wendy Davis campaign, which has captured the heart of progressive America by supporting unfettered access to late-term abortions.

But along that road to ending viable life, the Wendy Davis campaign picked up on a campaign theme that treats single moms as hopelessly failed.  Davis said it in a tweet yesterday:

Mine is the story of single mothers who feel alone in the world, searching for their chance to become something more.

Single moms need a “chance to become something more”?

I accept that being a single mom presents significant challenges personally.  And there are important societal implications of single-parent households.

But does that leave single-moms “alone in the world” and lacking “something more”? What about their children, and family support? Davis’ campaign theme is a pretty snobby look at single moms, even as it claims to fight for them.

And what about the folks who live in trailer parks?

Are their lives so glum that Wendy Davis having spent a few months in a trailer park (apparently with her parents) was the other defining moment in her life? She even blurred the timeline a bit by suggesting she became a single mom and was relogated to a trailer park life at age 19, when it really was 21, just a couple of years before she met the wealthy, much older Jeff Davis who would pay her way through school and raise her children for her.

An estimated 20 million people live in mobile homes, and most of them are employed full time or retired. Mobile homes provide “an important source of affordable housing for low-income households…. [and] serve as an important transitional step for social mobility.”

Some people in trailer parks may be stuck there, but others consider it a viable life option. Why treat trailer park folks the way Bill Clinton did, as trash just waiting for a $100 bill to be dragged through the streets?

An odd thing happened on the way to Wendy Davis’ personal and campaign narratives — while claiming to fight for single moms and folks in trailer parks, she actually perpetuated stereotypes and myths in an incredibly snobby way.

Tags: Wendy Davis