The End: Wendy Davis fighting with Bristol Palin
Bristol Palin is not Wendy Davis’ problem, Wendy Davis’ narrative is Wendy Davis’ problem.

As have many people, Bristol Palin weighed in on the Wendy Davis narrative, and took issue with what she called the “Made-for-TV-Movie-Type-Tale.”
When Davis was asked about it, she took the bait (video at bottom of post), generating headlines that must make seasoned political types and progressive Davis supporters in the media cringe, such as:
- Wendy Davis: Bristol Palin’s Parenting Diss ‘Not True’ (TPM)
- Wendy Davis Rejects Bristol Palin’s Criticism Of Her Parenting (HuffPo)
- Wendy Davis hits back at Bristol Palin (Politico)
- Wendy Davis Defends Parenting Skills Against Bristol Palin’s “Downright Pathetic” Jab (NBC-DFW)
Palin was less harsh towards Davis than many have been. But really, why is Davis responding to any individual’s criticism?
Those who hate the Palins already are voting for Davis.
Bristol Palin is not Wendy Davis’ problem, Wendy Davis’ narrative is Wendy Davis’ problem.
Here’s the video:
Update: I don’t know if this helps or hurts, Wendy Davis’s daughters defend her in letters:
The tone deaf @WendyDavisTexas campaign extends the news cycle. DC consultants doing a poor job.
— Jonathan Neerman (@JonathanNeerman) January 28, 2014

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Looks like Planet Hillary is emerging from Wendy’s left cheek.
In the next life, Davis gets Couric and Gov. Palin gets Shriver.
Interesting seeing Wendy being interviewed by a Bond villain from his hi-tech lair, but does he have to be so biased?
Texas is not Vermont, New York or Massachusetts…
Thank G_d for Texas!
We’re all enjoying the “Windy” Davis show down heeyah where she has a near zero chance of becoming governor. Even traditional democrat roots here lean conservative.
To steal come of the thunder from Cuomo, “There no place for bleeding heart whiners like you and you pals Wendy!”
Just don’t get complacent. The threat to Texas by Battleground Texas is very real. As in the national election, OfA has a databasing ability to target voters with specific scripts. They aren’t looking to convert voters, but bring new people to the polls with scare tactics. They know exactly who has Obamaphones and entitlement payments and they’ll be talking to them daily.
A serious candidate knows that to respond to this type of criticism only serves to three purposes. One, it keeps the weakness in the headlines for another newscylce. Second, it exposes one’s own thin skin. Third, it elevates the critic in importance. Did the 50 year old Harvard educated lawyer intend to do that to the 23 years old reality TV celebrity who hasn’t yet got past the 12th grade?
I have to wonder. Does Wendy want to govern or does Wendy merely want to keep seeing her name in the headlines?
1. A serious candidate knows that to respond to this type of criticism only serves to three purposes…
Mentioning the Palin name is throwing red meat to Davis’s base.
2. Does Wendy want to govern or does Wendy merely want to keep seeing her name in the headlines?
Neither, IMHO. Wendy wants to be President. Going through the motions of (heaven forbid) governing and keeping her name in national headlines are means to that end.
Wendy ‘Bad Mommy’ Davis: unfit for motherhood, unfit for Texas.
Perhaps Bad Mommy should hook up with Carlos Danger.
What a pair that would make.
Wendy may have been bad in other ways.
Now she gets to walk in Palin’s shoes.
Blah, Blah and Blah. Read like a true robot that doesn’t care about real people.
That is not the next governor of Texas.
Former SugarBaby Senator who abandons own children beats up on young struggling single mother for political gain. #WarOnWomen @WendyDavis @BristolPalin
This can only be settled by having a dance off, South Park style.
… Wendy, you have never danced in Bristol’s shoes.
No sympathy for Bristol if she takes fire for sticking her nose in it, but Davis can only loose, trading barbs with a girl half her age in a public forum. It makes her look petty and small-time.
Millions and millions of tweets, how many thousands of young mothers criticizing WD, and she jumps on a tweet by Bristol Palin?
How did she even know the tweet existed?
How many girls/young women are on Twitter every day, and the one by Bristol P is the one dug out, and I’ll wager BP will catch a lot of flack for being a “publicity hound”, for doing what millions of others her age do every day.
I could attack Wendy for some of her dispicable abortion remarks but I won’t. I could attack
Wendy for her decision to abandon her children to attend law school, but I won’t. I could attack Wendy for giving up custody of her children in her divorce, but I won’t. I could attack Wendy for her dispicable comments about her opponent who is in a wheelchair, but I won’t. I could attack Wendy for her trendy clothing, photo shoots, choice of tennis shoes,etc. but I won’t I could attack Wendy for just about anything, but I won’t.
Dear MSM – swap out Wendy Davis’ name and Sarah Palin and explain to me the difference in the coverage???? Thank you. Fly Over Country Awaits Your Answer!!!
I will be in Depends in a nursing home and still won’t have a rational answer from the assholes in the MSM!!!
Yeah, right. Hey, Joe McGinniss wants to know if there is a house for rent in Wendy Davis’ neighborhood.
Wendy says: “I have always been and will always be (gulp) the most important female in their lives …” – there you have it!
In Wendy’s world, she comes first, second, third, and fourth. And she will never believe or behave other wise.