Any other “Bs” you can come up with regarding this?
Lawmakers unveil massive $1.1 trillion spending bill in bipartisan compromise:
Congressional negotiators unveiled a $1.1 trillion funding bill late Monday that would ease sharp spending cuts known as the sequester while providing fresh cash for new priorities, including President Obama’s push to expand early-childhood education.
The 1,582-page bill would fully restore cuts to Head Start, partially restore cuts to medical research and job training programs, and finance new programs to combat sexual assault in the military. It would also give all federal workers a 1 percent raise….
The White House and leaders of both parties praised the measure, which would fund federal agencies for the remainder of the fiscal year and end the lingering threat of a government shutdown when the current funding bill expires at midnight Wednesday….
The spending bill puts flesh on the bones of a bipartisan budget deal struck in December, when Republicans and Democrats agreed to partially repeal the sequester, heading off a roughly $20 billion cut set to hit the Pentagon on Wednesday and restoring funding to domestic agencies, which had already absorbed sequester reductions.
Despite the increases, the bill would leave agency budgets tens of billions of dollars lower than Obama had requested and congressional Democrats had sought. That represents a victory for congressional Republicans, who, after three years of fevered battles over the budget, have succeeded in rolling back agency appropriations to a level on par with the final years of the George W. Bush administration, before spending skyrocketed in an effort to combat the recession.
So it’s being portrayed as more of a Republican win?
I think I’ll need to digest it a little more before coming to that conclusion.
One thing it does do is allow Republicans to focus like a laser on Obamacare for the 2014 elections. Oh, wait:
Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio is making a mistake pushing for an immigration overhaul this year, according to one of the House Republican Conference’s former top immigration negotiators.
Rep. John Carter of Texas, one of four GOP congressmen who was part of bipartisan negotiations over comprehensive immigration policy changes last year, said voting on the matter this year would distract from the party’s efforts to highlight flaws in President Barack Obama’s health care law.

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More “b-s”.
And the committee hearings are scheduled when, again?
Oh, there aren’t any.
And the bill says what about amnesty?
Oh, there isn’t any.
I keep telling people to stop rattling the cages, but no one listens to me.
A bloated, busted, bicameral, bipartisan, bitch of an unbalanced budget
Morbidly obese. Let’s consume to hide the disease.
Once the patient succumbs, a natural cure will be affected…
There’s a typo.
Instead of “expand early-childhood education” it should read “expand early-childhood indoctrination”.
Beyond Belief
Booby Hatch
Its interesting to read the summaries: “$15 million for a
conservation program to prevent greater sage-grouse from becoming an Endangered Species.” I wonder which congressman’s relatives runs a Greater Sage Grouse preservation enterprise.
No guts. No fight. No win in 2014.
Fortunately some Republicans are paying attention. Can we get them elected so they can have some impact? http://rhymeswithright.mu.nu/archives/346475.php
Boehner is just trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Honestly, does he think pushing amnesty for criminal aliens is going to harm the TEA party or something?
I can’t for the life of me think of why any legal citizen wants it.
“Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio is making a mistake pushing for an immigration overhaul
this year,PERIOD.”Fixed it for you.
Nothing will get fixed until we do a ‘rino’ by-pass.
1% raise for federal workers? If they work for me as a taxpayer, and I haven’t had a raise in 5 years…I would figure that I should get a raise before federal workers do. Not the other way around…more than likely, I will have to hope that I don’t lose my job, other than worrying about a getting a raise.