Whether you should like it is a different question, but it will be law soon.
Via USA Today, Senate vote clears budget deal for passage this week:
The Senate on Tuesday cleared a key procedural hurdle for final passage of a two-year, bipartisan budget deal before the end of the week.By a vote of 67-33, Senate Democrats easily surpassed the 60-vote threshold required to end debate and move toward approving the legislation, which is expected by Thursday.”It is a step in the right direction and a dramatic improvement over the status quo,” said Senate Budget Chairwoman Patty Murray, D-Wash., who crafted the agreement with House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis….Twelve Republicans voted to move forward on the budget deal, including Sens. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Roy Blunt of Missouri, Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, Susan Collins of Maine, Jeff Flake of Arizona, Orrin Hatch of Utah, John Hoeven of North Dakota, Johnny Isakson of Georgia, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, John McCain of Arizona, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Rob Portman of Ohio.All Democrats supported the deal.