Second batch of monsters to go free

Palestinian Prisoner Release Celebration Mahmoud Abbas

From Israel National News, A List of Monsters

As Israel prepares to release 26 more terrorist prisoners as a “gesture” to the Palestinian Authority, Arutz Sheva presents a partial list of those slated for freedom.It reveals a catalogue of atrocities, the majority of which involved the murder of civilians carried out at close range. Each of the crimes shook Israel at the time it happened, and was the front page headline of Israel’s newspapers at the time it happened.

CiF Watch has the list and their crimes, and more important, information on the victims.

This gets Israel nowhere, other than appeasing Obama and John Kerry. The Palestinians are emboldened, demanding new Israeli concessions that amount to the destruction of Israel.

Meanwhile, the Palestinians openly mock the concept of life in prison for murdering Jews, Palestinian minister: Israeli concept of ‘life in prison’ has collapsed :

Palestinian Authority Prisoner Affairs Minister Issa Karaka said Monday that there would be an official welcoming ceremony for 26 Palestinian security prisoners being released from Israeli jails at the Presidential Palace in Ramallah on Tuesday at midnight.PA President Mahmoud Abbas was set to be on hand at the ceremony to greet the prisoners, released as part of ongoing Israeli-Palestinian peace talks….During a visit to the families of prisoners set to be released in Nablus, Karaka said that “the Israeli concept of ‘life in prison’ has collapsed, because the prisoners who are set to be freed were sent, according to this concept, to be locked up behind bars for the rest of their lives.”

Tags: Israel, Obama Foreign Policy