Legal Insurrection is 5 years old

You know the story why this blog was started on October 12, 2008 at 5:42 p.m.

Here’s what the blog looked like on November 15, 2008 and for the first 2 1/2 years while we were on Google Blogger (Yikes! It’s like looking at your junior high school photo):

Hey, look who our first two followers were, continuing commenter 49erDweet and “Our Lawyer” Ron Coleman!

Our big change came in June 2011 with the current self-hosted design.  There will be some design tweaks rolled out in a week or two after we’re done, ahem, testing.

We turned College Insurrection live in August 2012, and in February 2013.  Will there be more Insurrections and Wikis?

Thanks to the many authors who have contributed here over the years.  I can’t provide the breadth of coverage without them.  We’ve got a great team here and at College Insurrection, so given them a hoorah.

I also am interested in adding another regular, experienced lead author, preferably someone with strong research, media and/or activism capabilities; reach out to me.

Many thanks to the tons and tons of blog friends without whose help Legal Insurrection could not have made it to where it is now.  I keep in mind every single day that we survive on the kindness of strangers who read, share and link to us.

One thing I’ve tried to do a little more of is interact with readers.  I’m always so surprised when I meet someone who actually has read the blog. The kind words (and free coffee) mean a lot to me.

For years I’ve been urged to write The Legal Insurrection Manifesto.  All I need is time. Time. And more time.  I’m also trying get out there more, giving talks on college campuses and elsewhere.  I may even attend another bloggers conference.

And of course, thanks to my wife, who puts up with all this.  We celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary this coming year, an achievement that means the most.

Where is Legal Insurrection heading?  I wish I knew.  I’m just trying to survive Obama’s America.

Tags: Blogging, Legal Insurrection Anniversary