I’m on vacation at the Outer Banks of North Carolina.Thought you’d like this: the Park Service has closed the Wright Brothers Memorial. I took photos from my iPhone this morning.The cars parked out in front are not Park Service cars; they are people who hopped the barrier. The place looks deserted. If you have ever been there, there is an indoor visitors center but the rest of the park is wide open. Looks like the middle of the barrier is held together with zip-ties!As an aside, I was there in 2003 for the 100th anniversary of flight. George Bush was there and gave a pretty good speech. Then a large crowd of us (at least 100) moved to the first flight pillar (where the first flight supposedly stopped).A fellow with a watch and a great sense of timing gathered us all around and at the right moment we all chanted from 1 to 10, signifying the 10 seconds that Orville flew that first time. As we hit 10 we heard a noise and looked up — it was an Air Force B-2 flying over at that precise moment. So I think our timing was good!They also tried the re-creation of the flight with the replica Flyer that morning but it didn’t work — demonstrated just hard it was and what an achievement it was for the brothers.You can credit me; I’m not afraid of the NPS.Best,Steve White MDstevewhitemd at LI