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Baby on Board, too

Baby on Board, too

Remember all those “Baby on Board” yellow signs back in the day?

From J:

the bumper sticker we’ve been waiting for, re this ridiculous trend.

Spotted in Charlottesville.



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No doubt this is an Obama supporter and frequent flyer club customer of Planned Parenthood.

southcentralpa | October 20, 2013 at 9:42 am

There was a time when I would’ve gotten an “abort your inner child” sticker, if I thought enough people would’ve taken it in the right spirit…


I always hated that “baby on board” sticker. What it says is: “My child is much more important than the people in all those other cars.” Only to you, ma’am.

    Spiny Norman in reply to Radegunda. | October 20, 2013 at 12:19 pm

    I aways read those signs as “No matter how bad I drive, you shut up and stay the hell back! – after being cut off in traffic by uncountable numbers of minivans with the damn things in the back window.

Only the Dodos will ever miss their stick figure families.

I WANT one!

Frankly, I only care if there is a child on board if its driving…

Hey, I’m happy for those people who are proud and happy about their families. May their tribe increase.

On the other hand, I saw a bumper sticker reading “Well behaved women seldom make history”. I’d have loved to tell the driver, “Hey, lady, the women who make history seldom go to their graves surrounded by loving families in mourning, but do go to their grave’s followed by their nation’s curses.”

Probably I have too many Chinese and Jewish connections. I can only think of Wu Zetian, Ci Xi Tai Hou, Yang Guifei, Queen Athaliah, and Queen Jezebel. John Knox got it right about the Monstrous Regiment of Women.