While looking for something else, I stumbled up this interview by Prof. Glenn Reynolds and the Insta-Wife of Andrew Breitbart from February 2010.
It may be the best interview of Andrew I’ve ever seen.
And it’s as relevant, if not more so, now as it was back then.
There’s so much in it, listen to it all.
At 8:45 Andrew describes highly-credentialed mainstream journalists as “the most arrogant bastards you could possibly meet in your entire life.” Sounds about right. Maybe understatement.
Two years later Andrew died.

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Breitbart lives on!
I’m afraid he doesn’t. That’s the problem. All those “I am Breitbart” boasts haven’t amounted to much. In fact, I can’t recall a single Breitbart-like challenge to the Left by anybody on the Right on any media forum since he died. He was one in a billion.
No, I think you’re wrong. I think the attributes that defined Brietbart, and Reagan, live, at some degree, in all of us.
They, we, just haven’t been afforded the platform to expose it to the masses.
Another will come. It’s not about the man, it’s about what’s inside the man, and it’s ability to reach out.
Men (women) like Brietbart are born and buried everyday. Few find their voice, and their bullhorn.
Then you are missing out strongly, there has been two major revelations and the work Andrew does here is starting to have an effect.
Note the “Republican hacker” portion, his effect upon Universities and Colleges.
Breitbart lives on!
Thank you for this, Professor. This was a great interview that I had missed. This reaffirms what a visionary Andrew was. He was the consummate political quarterback that could see the entire playing field. Players like that only come along once per generation, and I hate like hell that we lost him.
It’s sad that Andrew passed on so young. The 43-year-old had clogged arteries? Best health care system in the world?
It’s going to get worse. The gov’t-enforced medical monopoly let Andrew down. Now we’ll have a gov’t run medical monopoly with increasing scarcity of resources. Health is bound to decline. There will be less money for research, and no money for out-of-the-box thinking. I’m sure there’ll be money for prevention of independent medical alternatives, just as there was money for the NPS to lock down the WWII Memorial, et al.
Goodbye liberty. Get in line. Or fight the bully, as Andrew showed us.
I watched the whole video and the last few minutes the fact that he is dead came home to me again. And I thought:
Andrew Breitbart lies a molding in his grave, a molding in his grave, but his truth goes marching on.
For the dawn of Andrew Breitbart has brightened into day,
And his truth is marching on.
A mistake, we make, waiting for the next Breitbart…or the next Reagan.
YOU have to be Breitbart. And ME.
People want to be led. They want an Andrew Breitbart. Since he passed, no one has come forth that can consistently poke the Left in the eye like him. We need a central figure…like Rush was, like Andrew was…a culture warrior. Not a politician. I miss him.
Nothing like a former liberal to take on the poisonous liberals head to head, Right Journalist Chucky Dolls?
Wonderful man. I miss him.
Still can’t believe he’s gone. Loved the way he drove the liberals crazy and inspired we, the people.