What are the Republican doughboys afraid of?

What are the doughboys afraid of? (to paraphrase the old Ben & Jerry’s ad campaign.)

He’s just one person, with a handful of sidekicks. You are the many and the powerful.

If you’re in Congress and you don’t like what he’s doing, vote against him.

Or are you afraid to vote against him, so you seek to undermine him in other ways?

Via Mediate, Fox’s Wallace Stunned: GOP Leaders Sent Me Opposition Research on Ted Cruz:

Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace said Sunday morning that he’d received opposition research from other Republicans about Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) in advance of Cruz’s appearance this morning, a serious indication of how upset the GOP is with the Senator leading the risky charge to defund ObamaCare. “This has been one of the strangest weeks I’ve ever had in Washington,” Wallace said. “As soon as we listed Ted Cruz as our featured guest this week, I got unsolicited research and questions, not from Democrats but from top Republicans, to hammer Cruz.”

Tags: Republicans, Ted Cruz