Senate cloture vote on Syria resolution to take place on 9/11 (Update – delayed)

How convenient.

How abusive of the memory of those who fell, a clear ploy to gain political advantage from the significance of that date.

The vote will be on Cloture for the resolution, not the resolution itself. It’s an even higher hurdle.

Update 8 p.m. — Facing mounting opposition and Obama signaling in television interviews that he wants time to pursue the Russian proposal as to Syria giving up chemical weapons, Harry Reid has postponed the vote:

Reid was expected to set up a key procedural vote Wednesday on proceeding to  the resolution.The delay of the Senate vote came as Obama said it was “possible” military  action against Syria could be avoided if the country turned over all its  chemical weapons.The idea was floated early Monday by Secretary of State John Kerry and  quickly endorsed by Russia as a solution to the crisis.”I think it’s certainly a positive development when … the Russians and the  Syrians both make gestures toward dealing with these chemical weapons. This is  what we’ve been asking for not just over the last week or the last month, but  for the last couple of years,” Obama told CNN.

Tags: Harry Reid, Syria