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Kenya mall attack – Live Updates

Kenya mall attack – Live Updates

The hostage standoff at the Nairobi Mall attacked by Somali jihadists still is ongoing.

There are conflicting reports as to the involvement of Israeli commandos in trying to free the hostages, with some reports indicating an active role, other reports just an advisory role.

At of this writing 59 people are dead.  The jihadists reportedly killed only non-Muslims, asking targets to recite a Muslim prayer as a means of sorting out the victims.

We will continue to update throughout the day. The live Twitter feed is at the bottom of the post.

A CAIR official is stoking the anti-Israel flames, claiming the only reasons Israelis are helping Kenya is because they own part of the mall (this ignores longstanding ties between Israeli and Kenyan security forces dating back to prior terrorist attacks, of course)(h/t Weasel Zippers):

Dawud Walid Kenya Israel


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What is CAIR these days? It lost all its American muslim support in about 2007 as it became more openly radical and Islamist. Is CAIR a foreign organization? Where does its money originate?

Is it too soon to point out that Kenya has strict gun control laws?

    Rick the Curmudgeon in reply to myiq2xu. | September 22, 2013 at 11:19 am

    It’s not Kenya’s gun control laws that failed; it’s all those other countries around it that have easy access to guns! /sarc

      Sarah Palin…!!!

      And the KRNA…(Kenyan National Rifle Assoc.)

      May their children all die slow and painful deaths!!!

      (Channeling the Collectivist “thinkers”.)

CAIR has more say in this country now then it ever had. It has the ear of our Muslim President who is also a closet Muslim Brotherhood member. The Muslim Brotherhood is a sworn enemy of America and the free world yet our Muslim president continues to bring more Muslims with links to the brotherhood into his regime.

Have we heard a word from our Muslim in Chiefs mouth about these savage Muslims killing innocent people simply because their not Muslim? Islam is a sick and evil ideology that the politically correct fools in this country and europe continue to deny. How long before we see these same atrocities taking place in a Mall near you? Are you aware that our Muslim in chief continues to bring thousands of these same Somali Muslims to America. Were giving the fox access to the hen house.

It is totally outrageous that nobody is commenting on the fact that such attacks are religiously motivated. Note that the attackers told Muslims to leave before they started shooting.

    9thDistrictNeighbor in reply to anotherobie. | September 22, 2013 at 12:30 pm

    Today in Peshawar, Pakistan, All Saints Church was targeted in a suicide bombing just as parishioners were leaving church.

    This prayer is on the Peshawar Diocese website: “The War on Terror is still going on, kindly pray for those who are determined to eradicate this menace for good.”

No, no, no. You people are confused.

The BBC is reporting all this was because of a “shoot out”.

See? Just a crazy shoot out killed all these people.

Nothing to see here. Move along, proles…

Whatever the role of the Israelis, it’s better for them, the Kenyans and the use of Israelis again in Africa for the Kenyans to look like it’s their fight…

This is a major attack. I’ve got a lot of blogging on Kenya, but you’ve got to see and link Tyler Hicks’ coverage. Plus, an interview this morning with him here:

American gunmen among those still holed up in the Westgate mall in a standoff with Kenyan and Israeli special forces?

Mustafe Noorudiin, Kansas City, MO, age 27
Abdifatah Osman Keenadiid, Minneapolis, MN, age 24
Ahmed Mohamed Isse, St. Paul, MN, age 22

Introducing the white widow…

‘White Widow’ Samantha Lewthwaite feared to be behind Nairobi shopping mall massacre

The wife of 7/7 suicide bomber Jermaine Lindsay is ‘prime suspect’ in attack, which has so far killed 68 people including three Brits

And last night it was feared that one of the ringleaders of the bloody attack is a British mother of three.

Fanatical Samantha Lewthwaite, dubbed the White Widow, is a key member of al-Shabaab, the militant group which has claimed responsibility for the slaughter.

The British soldier’s daughter, from Aylesbury, Bucks, is an Islam convert whose husband was one of the suicide bombers in the 7/7 attacks on London.

Unconfirmed sources claimed that 29-year-old Lewthwaite may even be among the masked gun gang still under siege in the Westgate mall last night.

An image on social networking websites appeared to show a balaclava-clad white woman holding a gun.

In a Twitter message terror group al-Shabaab praised the White Widow and boasted that she was with them.

On a site that has been repeatedly closed down, they wrote: “Sherafiyah lewthwaite aka samantha is a vrave (sic) lady! were happier to have her in our ranks!” In another posting they warned: “This is no more than a drill for a bigger event!”

BBC reports “there are many more bodies inside the shopping mall”

Among the dead poet Kofi Awoonor

Also dead Australian-British architect Ross Langdon and his partner, Elif Yavuz:

More on Ross Langdon and his wife or partner Harvard grad and Gates Foundation employee Elif Yavuz.

Phillep Harding | September 23, 2013 at 12:07 pm

Let’s see. The unbelievers taken prisoner have been executed, leaving only Moslems as hostages, of Moslem terrorists?


[…] Insurrection has comprehensive coverage of the Nairobi mall siege here and here and […]