Jay Carney, Master of Deflection (video)

It was a refreshing sight to see Monday evening when this video on Erin Burnett’s Out Front program on CNN caught my attention. 

What better way to depict the series of seemingly never ending deflections on important questions from White House press secretary Jay Carney than through this mashup of his “I would refer you to” answers.

It’s preceded by a mashup of deflections from other Obama administration personalities, which is summed up by Burnett with the astute observation that, “one of the only things this administration seems to ever openly discuss…is food.”

(Thank you for the mention and for grabbing this, Twitchy!)

You know, it was just the other day that I acknowledged the fact that CNN has been doing some good investigative work on the Benghazi story.  And “The truth about Benghazi: An Erin Burnett Outfront Special Investigation” will air Tuesday, August 6th at 7pm ET on CNN.

Things are getting rather interesting.