Before Anthony Weiner finally resigned in June 2011, he manufactured the story that he’d been hacked, and continued on with that charade for days.
“This was a prank, and a silly one,” he asserted.
“I was hacked, it happens to people, you move on,” he said, as he brazenly lied to one reporter’s face.
But Weiner’s old congressional campaign spent almost $45,000 investigating a hacker that never existed. A hacker Weiner knew never existed.
From the NY Daily News:
Serial sexter Anthony Weiner paid a private eye nearly $45,000 in campaign cash to investigate his lie that a hacker posted a crotch shot on his Twitter feed, campaign spending records show.Weiner’s brazen attempt to cover his tracks occurred shortly after Memorial Day weekend in 2011, when his first sexting scandal erupted and he went into furious spin control trying to save his career in Congress.He maintained that he had been victimized — and promised an investigation to get to the bottom of how it happened.“They’ll be looking into whether someone had my password,” he told CNN.
Weiner ultimately paid a private investigations firm, T&M Protection services, $43,100 from his campaign fund — knowing nobody hacked anything and that he’d sent the image himself.T&M officials declined to answer questions about what work they did and what they discovered.It is possible that even more money was spent on the fool’s errand.At the time, Weiner said he had asked a law firm, BakerHostetler, to look into the matter. Records show his campaign paid BakerHostetler $93,350 for “legal services” between January 2010 and December 2012.It’s not clear how much of that was for the hacker “investigation” because the firm was doing work for Weiner before and long after the scandal.“The Weiner campaign hired lawyers and other professionals as part of responding to the many official and media inquiries before and after his resignation,” said Barbara Morgan, a spokeswoman for Weiner’s mayoral campaign.
These payments to T&M aren’t entirely new news, as the same information was reported in early 2012, but today’s report does highlight additional expenses.
Given that there was no hacking, what exactly did such an investigation entail? And what are the “legal services” for which the campaign paid?
Two weeks ago, Weiner applied to the Federal Election Commission to shut down that old congressional campaign committee, according to the Daily News.
Newsday reports that Weiner’s old ‘Friends of Weiner’ campaign was fined by the FEC for failing to refund donor contributions it received after his resignation.
The Federal Election Commission has fined the old congressional campaign committee of New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner $20,000 for failing to refund nearly $70,000 in contributions after he resigned from his House seat in 2011 following his first sexting scandal.The FEC reached a conciliation agreement last month with Friends of Weiner and the campaign committee’s treasurer, Nelson Braff, according to federal documents. The agreement was disclosed this week.[…]The Weiner committee contends that the violation resulted from a “mistaken belief that it could use the remaining general election contributions . . . for other purposes, including winding down costs,” according to the FEC agreement.
The extent to which Weiner went to try and hide his bad behavior should be seriously considered by the public.
This is a man who lied to the public, to the media, and to everyone close to him, who claimed to have been hacked when he knew – with certitude – that he wasn’t, and who spent campaign funds on an investigation intended to further his own charade.
He also sat idly by as innocent people were blamed for a ‘hacking’ that existed only in Anthony Weiner’s imagination. That’s a truly disturbing level of deceit and arrogance.