I urged Liz Cheney to run for Senate against Mike Enzi the other night because I didn’t like the sense of entitlement exhibited by his supporters, Run, Liz Cheney, Run.
I noted that I had nothing against Enzi, and that I didn’t know much about him.
In that comment, I may have missed the biggest point. We need leaders in this fight, not people we never hear about.
That’s a point made in a column by Kurt Schlichter, Time to Throw Out Second Best GOP Senators (h/t Instapundit):
Wyoming Senator Mike Enzi is a loyal Republican, a decent guy, and generally a good senator. He also needs to retire from the Senate because he is not good enough, and I don’t care if that makes him sad.The New York Times probably thought it was helping him recently when it ran an article about how Dick Cheney’s daughter Liz is planning to challenge him in the 2014 Republican primary. The Times hailed him as “a studious, low-key legislator who worked well with Senator Edward M. Kennedy,” and Enzi probably thinks that’s a compliment.For that reason alone he needs to go.He needs to go because we can do better. It’s not about Mike Enzi or any other Republican politician. It’s about winning this war against progressivism, and if you aren’t leading the fight then bow out and make room for someone who will.