Fourth of July Picks for Movies, Food & Drinks

The Fourth of July weekend is a perfect time to spend with friends and family, especially when you can mix in a little history and entertainment.  I thought it might be helpful to round up a few good lists out there to make eating and entertaining fun and easy.  There’s a special list of quotes at the end, to include a little history lesson, too.


Not all the suggested movies are for everyone, and not all cover history, but many on the lists offer something that’s just simply American.  (A few are from prior 4th of July holidays, but the recommendations still apply). offers a list of movies that capture the American Spirit.
Celebrate July Fourth with patriotic movies

Forbes offers an interesting mix of the Top Ten Movies For The Fourth Of July.

And the Hollywood Reporter’s got a list of all the 4th of July Fireworks specials on TV in its Complete Guide to TV, Marathons and Movies.

I’d also personally recommend the John Adams miniseries if you haven’t seen it.  Watch it on-demand:
On Amazon Instant Video
On Xfinity


Food Network’s Favorite 4th of July Recipes From FN Chefs

If all you need is the BBQ sauce, they’ve also got some of those recipes.

Southern Living has a nice roundup of Fourth of July Recipes.

For barbecue with a little twist, Delish has this list of All-American Barbecue: 14 Regional Recipes for July 4th

Grilling Companion has some yummy grilling recipes I’ve tried myself from time to time.


Mix That Drink has a crafty list of 4th of July cocktails.

Yahoo’s got some patriotic drink mixers for the holiday.

For non-alcoholic options, Delish has a summer list of 25 Non-alcoholic Party Drinks that fit the bill for today.


Lastly, while you’ve got the crew gathered together, spend a little time to reflect upon what Independence Day is all about.  Here’s a nice compilation of Revolutionary War quotes to share and discuss.

Enjoy your Fourth of July and the long weekend – however you choose to enjoy it, stay safe!