NSA Leaker Edward Snowden to Take Questions From Public – Live Online

Whether you think he’s a hero, a traitor, or something in between, he’s taking your questions today live at 11am EST.

Edward Snowden Q&A: NSA whistleblower answers your questions

The Guardian issued this mysterious James Bond-ish caveat…

The live chat is subject to Snowden’s security concerns and also his access to a secure internet connection. It is possible that he will appear and disappear intermittently, so if it takes him a while to get through the questions, please be patient.

If you want to ask a question, here are the instructions from The Guardian:

To participate, post your question below and recommend your favorites. As he makes his way through the thread, we’ll embed his replies as posts in the live blog. You can also follow along on Twitter using the hashtag #AskSnowden.

If you missed it on the slow news day yesterday, Snowden’s latest leak is the revelation that NSA targeted Russian president Medvedev in London.

I am capturing a full transcript of the Q&A session and it will be posted here at Legal Insurrection after the session is complete.

UPDATE 6/17 1:30pm EST: full transcript now available here.


Tags: Edward Snowden