The jury selection in the trial of George Zimmerman in the death of Trayvon Martin starts a week from tomorrow, assuming no unexpected delays.
On Friday I posted some of our prior entries on how the racial narrative of the case, as well as pontification by the Martin family attorneys and many others about the lack of injury to Zimmerman, has not held up, Zimmerman trial pre-preview reader.
I’m pleased to let readers know that Andrew Branca, the author of classic The Law of Self Defense (2nd Edition going to print very soon, pre-order here) will be leading the coverage of the trial for Legal Insurrection. Andrew, a sometimes commenter here, brings the perfect background to evaluate what has become one of the highest self-defense cases in recent memory. Two of his posts at his own blog include:
- Can the Prosecution Keep Trayvon’s History of Violence and Drug Use from the Jury? Yes . . . and no.
- Has Zimmerman Waived His Right to a Pre-Trial “Stand-Your-Ground” Hearing? Learn the Truth.
Here’s Andrew’s bio from his website, The Law of Self Defense:
“Andrew F. Branca is in his third decade of practicing law in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He wrote the first edition of the “Law of Self Defense: A Guide for the Armed Citizen” in 1997, and is currently in the process of completing the fully revised and updated second edition. Andrew has also launched the website as a free legal resource and blog to keep law-abiding citizens up-to-date on emerging issues in self defense law.
Andrew began his competitive shooting activities as a youth in smallbore rifle, and today is a Life Member of the National Rifle Association (NRA) and a Life Member and Master-class competitor in multiple classifications in the International Defenseive Pistol Association (IDPA). Andrew has for many years been an NRA-certified firearms instructor in pistol, rifle, and personal protection, and has previously served as an Adjunct Instructor on the Law of Self Defense at the SigSauer Academy in Epping, NH. He holds, or has held, concealed carry permits for Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine, Pennsylvania, Florida, Utah, Virginia, and other states.”
We will have live embedded video coverage as well as a Twitter feed (as we do for many live events) every day, with commentary during the day as appropriate depending upon what happens.
At the end of each day on which there are substantive events, Andrew will give his summary and evaluation of what happened. So check in during the day, and then again in the evening.
But before that starts, Andrew will have a couple of introductory posts this week laying out the legal and factual issues, and what to watch for at the trial, and which distractions have fallen by the wayside.
Of course, I probably will not be able to resist the urge to chime in myself from time to time.
The Zimmerman trial is the trial of the year because it combines not only the facts of the death of a young man, but also the circus over race relations and 2nd Amendment rights created by prosecutors, the Martin family attorneys, social and traditional media, and political groups with an agenda.
I hope you will find Legal Insurrection’s coverage to be the best around.

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I look forward to Mr.Branco coverage . So much garbage in this so far that i need a non msms legal mind to keep me straight . Truth to Power
I’m so sorry . My old eyes sworn that was a ‘O’ not a ‘A’..TY posters for drawing attention to this in such a classy fashion . Well done .
Mr. Branca . My apologizes . I will now go to ‘Time Out .’
Whoa! A Branco AND A Branca.
Close Professor J, ask the wrong one at the wrong time To DRAW…could be in trouble.
Wonderful service that you will be doing, Mr. Branca. Quite sure that you sir, will be able to tolerate, Al Sharpton. I damn sure couldn’t.
Not just a Branco and a Branca, but an A. F. Branco and an A. F. Branca!
Right you are good sir..
Don’t mess with Andy!
This is excellent. I look forward to the coverage on LI and will follow it in detail.
There won’t be much of a trial if Zimmerman cannot raise any more money. My understanding is that the fund is almost dry.
What a terrific feature — and worthy of this site.
I am glad to hear that Branca, a recognized expert in the area of law, and LI will cover the trial.
I am outraged that Zimmerman is being forced to stand trial at all. It seems clearly a political response to threatened mob violence.
The initial investigation and pro forma request to charge resulted in no criminal charges. Unless you believe – and have evidence to the effect – that the DA was racially biased in his decision, it must be recognized that the course was taken without the influence of politics.
Only after the race-baiters Crump and Sharpton entered the picture, and the family became convinced they could make a buck off the deal, was Zimmerman in jeopardy. Instead of serving justice, from that point on the state seems to have worked in its own interest in keeping the peace against threatened violence.
To me the key event is the withholding and attempted suppression by the prosecution of the picture of Zimmerman’s face that night just after the events. Prosecutors aren’t supposed to persecute and convict, they are supposed to serve justice by finding the truth wherever it leads.
This is a show trial. It’s disgusting and shameful that our system of justice can be manipulated and perverted in such a way.
It sure looks to me like this whole thing is payback for Zimmerman’s role in forcing the resignation of Sanford Police Chief Brian Tooley (story at American Thinker. From the article:
Maybe I’ve been watching too many cop shows but this entire sad episode may be intended to send the message “Don’t mess with one of our own”.
I only wish I had the talent of the wonderfully gifted A.F. Branco, but I’ll do my best to bring a reality-based legal perspective to the Zimmerman trial.
Now back to preparing those intro/background posts I’ve promised the Professor.
I am looking forward to your coverage of this trial, and learning much from it.
Why is Obama and the Press
Persecuting Hispanics?
I’ve been watching this case in some [very “Lay”] detai; – it looks like there was a development today???
[…] Some cool news, I’ve been invited by Professor William Jacobson to guest-blog the Zimmerman trial on his outst…. […]