Alan Dershowitz takes on anti-NSA narrative

Not someone you would expect to accuse others of crying wolf on privacy.

Via Noah Rothman at Mediaite:

Alan Dershowitz, professor of law at Harvard University, defended the Obama administration on Friday and excoriated those in the media who he says are disseminating a number of half-truths relating to the news that the National Security Administration has been warehousing the communications records of Americans. Dershowitz said that “we’re hearing a lot of lies” from people like The Guardian reporter Glenn Greenwald and radio talk show hosts who he says too often “foment a paranoid streak” in American life.“We’re hearing  lot of lies about what’s going on – a lot of lies,” Dershowitz warned. “We heard lies from Greenwald. He says that we’re not targeting terrorism. He says this is because we want to get political information against political opponents. It’s just not the case.”

More from his appearance on CNN:

Tags: Glenn Greenwald