Lords of the Flies:
- Johns Hopkins pro-choice group tries to silence pro-life students using “harassment” policy
- Northwestern Latino student group says eating tacos to celebrate Cinco de Mayo is racist
- Berkeley student govt calls for divestment from “United States Prison Industrial Complex” including, um, McDonalds
- Envelope with white powder sent to Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law evacuated, tests negative
Freedom is just one pizza away from extinction:
They’re from the faculty, and they’re here to help:
Global WarmingClimate Change Profs at San Jose State engage in book burning – literally – not joking – seriously- Colorado middle school indoctrinates students with anti-fracking rap presentation
- Syracuse U. Expels Education Student over Facebook Comments
- Second USC Prof caught bashing conservatives in political science class
- Jesse Watters of FOX News visits Weather Underground terrorist Kathy Boudin at Columbia
They’re from the government, and they’re here to help:
- Obama requires top aides to praise Obamacare in commencement speeches
- Obama Administration Officials Effectively Define Dating, Sex Education, and One-Time Flirtation as “Sexual Harassment”
The usual sex stuff:
- Harvard Crimson now offering library sex tips
- Cosmo wants more sex events on campus
- Planned Parenthood joins Condom Wars at Catholic Boston College
Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Universities, no, schools, at every level, are no longer about education and perhaps have not been for a long time. Students can’t think their way out of a paper bag to find a Colorado joint to smoke. The generation that told us to question everything has imposed a mind-numbing and altering uniformity on students at all levels. They no longer want questions. They just want everyone to march in lock step. The sad part is, their victims say aye.
Sieg heil!
From the USC story, it also has a student code of conduct that “expressly prohibits” students from videotaping their professors in the classroom.
Students customarily tape recorded classes when I went to college. No one was concerned about what was said in a public forum.
Why the fear of transparency?
[…] Via Legal Insurrection. […]