French court: Jerusalem light rail project legal
A French court ruled that Israel did not violate international law by building a light rail line in eastern Jerusalem.
The ruling on March 22 by the Versailles Court of Appeals came in response to a lawsuit filed in 2007 by the Palestine Liberation Organization and the France-Palestine Solaridite association against three French firms that participated in the construction of the light rail network….
In the 32-page ruling, the judges wrote that international treaties applied to Israel’s occupation of lands captured in 1967 and that those conventions — including the Hague Convention of 1907 — state that “the occupying power can and even must establish normal, public activity in the occupied territory.”
The judges ordered the plaintiffs pay a total of $117,000 in legal costs to the three firms: Veolia Transport, Alstom and Alstom Transport.
Israelly Cool, In Tests Nine Out Of Ten International Lawyers Knew More Than BDS Fools:
As we first reported here on Israellycool last week, a French court has confirmed some aspects of the legal situation regarding Israel and the hills of Judea and Samaria, especially around Jerusalem.
Now the larger news outlets have had time to think about this and get the opinion of greater legal minds than this humble blogger.
And the answer seems to be, it is a victory, but only if you didn’t know anything about international law and the specifics of Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Conventions.
Well I’d say that’s just about everyone on earth and doubly so for everyone who is deluded by BDS campaign lies!
Via Elder of Ziyon via @CiFWatch:
More Arabs move to Jewish neighborhoods than vice versa in Jerusalem
The world is up in arms over Jews moving to “East Jerusalem,” with countless articles about this “illegal” settlement of Jews in Israel’s capital city.
But there is a curious silence about Arabs who have been streaming into Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem. Not Arab citizens of Israel, but Arabs from across the Green Line who refuse citizenship but are still moving into the “Jewish” part of the city.
Israel’s Channel 10 counts 2,537 Jews who moved to “Arab” parts of “east Jerusalem” – and 3,378 Arabs who are not even Israeli citizens who moved to “Jewish” neighborhoods.

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It reminds me of “La Raza” – La Raza is a US movement that wants to make the US West part of Mexico because “it’s theirs”. But from a recent poll, 1/3 of the adults in Mexico want to move to the USA. I’ve not read of any La Raza members actually moving *to* Mexico – they just want to bring the benefits of Mexican society and government to the Western US.
And just what are the “benefits” of Mexican society these days? Lawlessness in the streets, a disdain for a thoroughly corrupt government, armored cars for those who can afford them so they don’t get kidnapped while driving to work? Drug Cartels in charge?
Yep, you’re absolutely right, the La Raza folks want to make the US be more like “Home.”
I think I’ll pass on their offering, sounds like buyer’s remorse is in store for those who take them up on it.
“Israel’s Channel 10 counts 2,537 Jews who moved to “Arab” parts of “east Jerusalem” – and 3,378 Arabs who are not even Israeli citizens who moved to “Jewish” neighborhoods.”
I wouldn’t brag about this. Once their numbers increase, they start making life a living hell for others and demanding folks do thing the Islamic way.