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From Sarah:

Spotted this bumper sticker in Redmond, WA today.

Being a Jew from New England, the sight of Hebrew in an area with a noticeably scant Jewish population brought a pleasant twinge of familiarity…until I quickly realized its purpose. Then I just felt bad that this Jew could be so terribly confused.

Not to mention that he’s not even sure which country he belongs to. But he’s sure of one thing: he loves his Highland Terrier.

Bumper Sticker - Redmond WA - Hebrew

Bumper Sticker - Redmond WA - Hebrew 2


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Well, that was 2008 … Since then, he probably changed his mind and moved to Canada 🙂

So what does it say exactly? I can’t read Hebrew.

    radiofreeca in reply to JohnC. | March 6, 2013 at 7:51 am

    I can’t read Hebrew either, but a rough translation would be “I’m an idiot” or “I’m a gullible fool”. 🙂

casualobserver | March 6, 2013 at 9:32 am

Perhaps the fact that there is no ’12 sticker to complement the ’08 sticker tells a story itself….

He’s probably a Canadian citizen voting in the USA. I believe that cleared that up. I dropped my son off to vote (I already voted) and when I got to where he was in line in the last election, two ladies behind me fussed why I cut in line and I told them I was just keeping company with my son while he voted, they told me that I should vote again. During the campaigning, the Obama organization received money from a Pakistani IP address twice. So, we do have foreigners voting for American presidents.

Mister Natural | March 7, 2013 at 4:47 pm

it says ” Barak Obama