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Lost in cyberspace

Lost in cyberspace

Yesterday afternoon an error was made in server maintenance leading to the server going offline, but it was restored as of 8 a.m. this morning with very little loss of data.

Unfortunately, the hosting company did a second restore which should not have taken place which cost us all the blog posts and comments posted today, as well as drafts not yet published, both here and at College Insurrection.

We will try to reenter our posts at around the time originally posted, but since Google had not yet cached them (as far as I can tell), they may not be identical to the originals, and will not have any of the comments.

I’m hopeful that this tragedy of errors is over.


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Glad it’s over. You may find a tip from me about this. Feel free not to bother to keep it.

Murphy’s law applies. Murphy was an Optimist 🙂

Déjà vu all over again.

why I like the cpremote plugin for cpanel driven servers. allows users themselves to restore from cpanel interface and choose what (you have choices from a few days worth) to restore. often its just a database needing it.
if on a dedicated or vps its only $5 a month and worth every penny.
iirc they have equivalent for directadmin driven servers too.
if on shared host not sure, worth asking about though.

Lost in Cyberspace? I thought for sure someone would have cracked a “danger Will Jacobson” joke. Seriously though, so sorry about the posts and server problems. On a bright note, the site seems back to normal now.

This is a shame because yesterday I made a post in which I explained the meaning of life, and defined the universe by giving two examples and foretold the next big lottery numbers.

I thought nothing was ever truly lost in cyberspace? Turn it over to Michael Emerson. (Finch.)

1 Server installation schemes cannot preserve data without the possibility of data loss. You generally need at least 2 servers to guarantee no data loss.

“We are not pleased!”

Ya, but, …

Henry Hawkins | March 12, 2013 at 5:21 pm

This sort of thing happens all too frequently on the internet. I think it’s time to just turn the whole thing over to the federal government.

All my comments with a link to the Doomberg decision are all just worthless drivel now……….bwah!

In the 1960s, I had a pink princess phone in my room. In rapid succession, I could call Barbara, Gretchen, then Ginger, and tell them that George kissed me! We talked constantly and they might even “comment” and “like” what I had to say. Easy blogging without all the problems of downed servers. Might be worth revisiting!

Awright! Your end’s fixed. Cleared cache/rebooted on my end and log-in successful. We’re back in business.

It’s a rite of passage, I think.

BTW, the site’s still hanging pretty badly for me.

Anyone else missing “Likes”?

See. Now, if you’d just had Carbonite . . .