to CPAC, or whatever the conference happens to be.
Of course, if I went I might have been chased down the hallway by gaggles of college kids seeking to get their photos taken with me, either that, or I would have stood alone in a corner hoping it would be over soon and wondering why I went. I guess I’ll never know what might have been.
Anne is there, so maybe she’ll have something interesting to report.
The Right Scoop has a live feed.
And also this video of Allen West’s speech this morning:

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It’s always around this point when I think to myself, “I’ll go next year.” I am quite certain your experience would be somewhere closer to the gaggles of fans wanting a picture with you than the standing in the corner scenario. I mean really if you end up in the corner, the rest of us might as well stay home.
Yeah, what Mary Sue said. ;-D
Your two biggest problems will be (1) getting your bodyguards to keep away that crowd of Japanese school girls wanting your autograph, and (2) explaining it all to your wife!
guess I am odd man out, I’ll pass.
being a social and fiscal conservative means I am an outcast always LOL
Forget the “gaggles” and “corner”. You would have been very warmly received, no doubt. However, that sort of thing isn’t for everyone.
Prof, you would be a hit at CPAC. Thanks for continuing the struggle against tyranny.
How is that fitness program going. In 12 months you could have abs & a tight tush as you swivel around on the bar stool greeting admirers.
I will lobby from afar to have Goproud banned yet again so you won’t be mobbed by men.
Commander Jacobson, in an era of drone strikes against Americans deemed enemy combatants, executed without regard for location or jurisdiction, I’d stay away from groups of conservatives larger than three people, at least until, oh, January 21, 2017.
Nobody puts Professor in a corner!