The Great Republican Hope (in Massachusetts)?

Gabriel Gomez looks like an interesting Republican candidate for the John Kerry seat. Via MassLive:

According to a biography on his campaign website, Gomez was born in Los Angeles to Colombian immigrants. An introductory video features Gomez first introducing himself in Spanish, before switching to English.Gomez graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy and trained as a Navy pilot. He then completed training to join the elite Navy SEALs. Gomez says he met his wife Sarah while he was deployed with the Navy and she was a Peace Corps volunteer in the West Indies.Gomez went on to receive an MBA from Harvard Business School. According to his professional biography, Gomez worked as an investment banking associate at Bowles Hollowell Conner in aerospace and defense, then spent three years at the equity firm Summit Partners in its buyout group. He is now a principal at the private equity firm Advent International, which he joined in 2004.

He’s attracting all the right enemies on Twitter from the moment he announced.

And apparently he has some experienced team members:

No, I’m not getting hopeful. Yet.