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I should have watched the Super Bowl

I should have watched the Super Bowl

Because if I had, I would have seen the Dodge “So God Made A Farmer” commercial, and this parody by the very hot (as in doing good work and getting attention, not as in “hot” hot) SooperMexican would have made me laugh even harder the first time I saw it.

Forwarded to me by reader cawggw:

(added) The video was made jointly with The Morlock Revolt.


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TrooperJohnSmith | February 10, 2013 at 8:47 am


And it’s a tool straight from old Saul Alinsky’s playbook. Ridicule ’em, because the thin-skinned narcissists, especially the Narcissist in Chief, can’t handle it.

Speaking of the Super Bowl:

Saturday Night Live spoofs the 35 Minute Power Outage…

Here’s another one: “So GOD Made a Democrat”

(Actually, that’s a false statement, it’s really the lack of reverence and fear of GOD that makes a leftist-collectivist-communist-Islamist.)

I would never accuse God of being lazy, but it was easy for Him to make liberals.

He could just take a shallow vessel, mix in equal amounts of arrogance, narcissism, and obtuseness, and pour out liberals all day long.

Gotta get SooperMexican and Billy Dyszel collaborating!

I told you, mockery is a wondrous thing. One must make the left swim in its own filth through laughter/satire.

I posted it in the tips forum several days ago …. I still listen to the first few seconds of it to laugh …. and on the 9’th day God spilled coffee on a angry …..LOL

The farmer one was very good.
You should also look for the video “God Made a Liberal”. It’s both a tribute to Paul Harvey and agood commentary on current events.