Today marked the 1000th post at College Insurrection, CA schools give up teaching algebra in 8th grade.
Thanks to Aleister of American Glob and Leslie Eastman of Temple of Mut (and Legal Insurrection) for their help in creating and aggregating content daily.
Thanks also to our guest authors, including John Rosenberg from Discriminations blog, Hans Bader of, and the folks from The FIRE, which does great work on behalf of freedom of speech on campus.
Thanks as always to Prof. Glenn Reynolds for his generous linkage, which helps us get our message out.
Since opening in late August 2012, College Insurrection has had over 330,000 unique visits and 420,000 page views.
What’s in store for College Insurrection?
We need to and will do better outreach to student groups around the country, and to establish more dynamic relationships with other blogs we link to and which link to us, including Minding The Campus, Campus Reform, and College Fix.
The fight to regain balance on campuses has to be one of our highest priorities. The sand slowly has been swept out from under our feet for two generations, and now we see the result.
There will be some good changes at Legal Insurrection which will be announced in the coming weeks (that’s one of the reasons I’ve been somewhat slow in posting), so stay tuned.
And help spread the College Insurrection link to friends, and most importantly, to your college students.
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to the full extent allowed by law.
Great work!
Level out the campuses and the media just a bit … and the left will lose more elections than they win.