San Diego’s Top Cop: We can disarm Americans within a generation!

I recently reported that California was targeted for a massive effort by gun control activists intent on creating new and wide-ranging restrictions.

Now, the Chief of Police in my hometown of San Diego has unwittingly unveiled the real goal behind this movement: The complete disarming of Americans.

The details are offered by Breitbart writer Awr Hawkins:

San Diego Police Chief William Lansdowne is fully supportive of the Obama/Feinstein gun grab, and says if lawmakers play it right Americans can be completely disarmed within “a generation.”Lansdowne has gone on record saying: “I could not be more supportive of the president for taking the position he has. I think it’s courageous with the politics involved in this process. [And] I think it’s going to eventually make the country safer.”He made it clear that it may take “a generation,” but new laws could eventually take all guns off the streets.

Here is a video of the Chief’s interview on the local PBS station, during which he stresses his support for the President’s position on gun control.

San Diego area writer Kimberly Dvorak also reports Lansdowne is no fan of the National Rifle Association.

Take for instance San Diego Police Chief William Lansdowne, who in an interview last week called for tougher gun laws and clearly chafed at the influence the National Rifle Association has held for years over the national debate.Lansdowne suggested the Newtown, Conn., massacre may have undercut the gun lobby’s power and opened the door for new gun control legislation. “We broke the NRA,” Lansdowne boasted in an off camera portion of an interview with San Diego 6 and the Washington Guardian. When asked to expound, he demurred.

One thing I will say in Lansdowne’s favor: He does bring people together. There is a local petition drive calling for his resignation from progressives who claim he manhandled the Occupy San Diego protests.

Truly, it is a rare politician or bureaucrat who can manage to unite both conservative and liberal citizen activists.  Lansdowne definitely has a special skill set.

Tags: 2nd Amendment