Never let a good Defense Authorizatio bill go to waste.
Two Democratic Senators (Whitehouse and Franken) together with socialist Bernie Sanders have attached co-sponsored an amendment to the Defense Authorization bill which would expand so-called “disparate impact” claims under Title VI. (added) The amendment was submitted by Sherrod Brown, who is lead sponsor.
Hans Bader has the details over at College Insurrection, School Quotas and Speech Codes May Result From Senate Amendment to Defense Bill:
Suing schools and colleges has nothing to do with supporting our troops.But that didn’t stop Senators from seeking to add a harmful amendment to the 2013 Defense Authorization bill on Thursday, one that would overturn two Supreme Court rulings in order to promote such lawsuits. The amendment, proposed by Senators Al Franken (D-Minn.), Bernie Sanders (Vt.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), would dramatically expand the reach of a federal statute, Title VI, to allow colleges, schools, and recipients of federal funds to be sued for “disparate impact.”
Read the whole thing at the link.