Koch not backing down, and neither should you

There are no figures more unfairly attacked by the left than the Koch brothers.

Power Line has an extensive write up on the demonization of the Koch brothers by Think Progress and other left-wing groups, and we have delved into the subject as well.

One of the ironies is that in many ways the Koch brothers — being libertarians — share much with old-fashioned liberals when it comes to keeping people out of the lives of citizens. But they are anathema to the modern Democratic Party “liberal” machine which seeks to control every aspect of your lives.

So it was good to see the paragraph highlighted below in a write-up about the Koch Brothers at Forbes:

Charles’ many critics on the left–including the President of the United States–accuse him of accumulating too much power and using it to promote his own economic interests through a network of secretive organizations they call the “Kochtopus.” Ironically, the Koch brothers believe they’re fighting against power, at least in the political realm. For the Kochs the real power is central government, which can tax entire industries into oblivion, force a citizen to buy health insurance and bring mighty corporations like Koch Industries to heel.“Most power is power to coerce somebody,” says Charles, in a voice that sounds like Jimmy Stewart with a Kansas twang. “We don’t have the power to coerce anybody.”The November elections–which David, in a separate interview shortly after the results were finalized, termed “bitterly disappointing”–seem to confirm Charles’ last point. Not even the Koch brothers, who spent tens of millions of dollars during this election cycle (they won’t disclose the exact amount) funding direct political contributions and issue-driven “nonprofits,” could coerce voters to back their candidates. Mitt Romney’s loss was a huge blow to them, both in terms of likely policy outcomes and personal reputation.But those who think the brothers, older and chastened, will now fade away don’t understand the Kochs. Not a bit. Obama’s victory was just a blip on a master plan measured in decades, not election cycles. “We raised a lot of money and mobilized an awful lot of people, and we lost, plain and simple,” says David. “We’re going to study what worked, what didn’t work, and improve our efforts in the future. We’re not going to roll over and play dead.”

We’re not rolling over and playing dead either.  And neither should you.

Tags: Koch Brothers