What comes after a trillion? For Obama, it’s another trillion, and another, and ….
From Doug:
Saw this truck in Lakeville, MN, in a local area McDonalds and thought this person’s truck showed how a true conservative handles his loss, with dignity and resistance against the Collective Blob!
Plus, the truck is not a Government Motors made vehicle.
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No bumper stickers here but the Cain sticker still resides on the dash behind the windshield…
At least this truck shows the conservative bent of its owner! By far toooooo many “Obama” stickers here in this now BLUE state. But our governor does dot his eyes and maybe even cross his “T”s. He’s just a little funny these days!
Now, I wonder what bumper sticker he has on the bike?
Maybe …
You “O” and “O” and off of work I go. ( replace the “O” with the Obama O with a check mark in the “O” as though it were a vote )