The Culture
- Harvard approves BDSM club
- When it comes to campus sexual assault charges, being not guilty is not good enough
- Berkeley Prof — “babies may indeed become the new Title IX frontier”
- Stanford hosts International Socialist Union meeting
- The hated 4% on campus
- CA University Gives “Higher Education” a New Meaning
- Columbia is diverse — it has leftists and far leftists
The Dogma
- Pot calling kettle black — Berkeley diversity “scholar” accuses GOP of stoking racial anxiety
- Epistemic closure to higher ed affirmative action “mismatch”
- Ivy League Students Oppose Race Preferences!
- U Maine lacks diversity … just like the rest of Maine
- Conservative faculty applicant wins but loses discrimination lawsuit against U. Iowa Law School
- Butler Prof. jumps the “American-ness, maleness, whiteness, heterosexuality” shark
The Republicans
- Greg Gutfeld congratulates Fordham Republicans
- Former Fordham Republican Chair — Quit Whining and Get Some More Chairs for Coulter
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Harvard approves BDSM club? Have they banned Intervarsity like Tufts has? Presumably because Intervarsity hasn’t drunk the hallucinogenic koolaid and affirmed BDSM, MSM, FSF, and other perversions.
They are all kissing the butt of the current cultural delusion that these high risk behaviors are healthy, happy and holy and defying hard evidence, statistics, science and reality in the competition for federal dollars.