HuffPo poll shows 22.8 percent of Americans support their state seceding

With the news that 50 states  now have presented secession petitions on the White House’s “We the People” website, Huffington Post conducted their own poll to determine national support for the idea. Four questions were asked to ascertain 1) awarness of secession, 2) support for secession in general, 3) support for Texas to secede, and 4) support for their own state to secede. Below are the results to the fourth question, “Would you support or oppose >your< state seceding from the United States?”

Strongly support 12.4%Tend to support 10.4%Tend to oppose 10.3%Strongly oppose 41.6%Not sure 25.3%

These results, which were collected November 14-15 with a sample size of 100, were released at 5:37pm EST Friday under the headline “Secession Poll: Majority Opposes Their State Seceding From The Union,” a technically accurate but somehwhat “minimalist” approach to headline writing.

It seems more than striking–and headline worthy–that 22.4 percent of Americans “strongly” or “tend to” support their state seceding. Coupled with the more than 700,000 signatures that have so far been signed onto various states’ petitions, a case is building for more than the normal post-defeat malaise.

And the White House has announced that they will respond to the secession petitions that meet the 25,000 signature requirement by December 9, when the first qualified petitions (including Texas) expire.

If President Obama thought he had a task to unite the country in 2008, just look at the divisions he’s having to heal in 2012. Forward?

Related:  Lawrence O’Donnell calls for secession … in 2004


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